
Australians please read.?

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I will move to Australia if obama becomes us president . I have a iPhone with at&t is there a AT&T inaustralia? And is there a military?




  1. Are you even intelligent enough to use a telephone?

  2. Our government is a little more left wing than the Democrats, so I'm not sure if that will help you if that is your concern.

    Yes of course there is a military, they are in Afghanistan, Iraq and peackekeeping in some parts of the Pacific at the moment, but they have just announed a withdrawal from Iraq over the next month.

    As Tuppenybitz says, it is very difficult to immigrate here, you need to have a skill in demand.

  3. Don't contaminate the beautiful Australia with your racist rubbish.........I just bet America wants rid of you .....have you tried Siberia?

  4. You ignorant git we have a very proud Military background why don't you google ANZAC or GALLIPOLI. And whats wrong with Senator Obama winning the US presidental race is it because he's BLACK. Which part of the states are you from i'm guessing from some southern backwater STAY THERE we don't want you.

  5. Oh look.. another ignorant american..

    Are you really that racist to leave your own country if a black man becomes president? And no, you wont be able to use your iphone here.. We probably dont even have them yet. We dont have AT&T either.. and Yes, we do have our own military..

    Go read a book before someone smacks you over the head with it.

    HAH! you want to move here.. and you ask if your phone will work here? thats the least of your problems mate.

    Stay in america.

  6. I wouldn't bother we got rid of George Bush's sidekick John Howard in our election that should tell you what our politics is like.

    I am sure Kevin Rudd and Obama will get on like old friends.

  7. No, we don't have AT&T.

    Our two major phone networks are Telstra and Optus. For mobiles, there is Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, Virgin, 3 etc...

    You may not be able to use your iPhone in Australia.

    Doesn't every country have their own military?

  8. DO NT!!

    We're all Commies here!!

    EVEN our Conservatives are red compared to you!

    Just look at "negative " film of Obama and you'll think he's white you

    RACIST GIT!!!!

  9. you will be lucky to qualify to immigrate to Australia,it is very difficult

    you cant just decide to live there

    of course there is military, and yes at&t is there

  10. OMG please don't bother

  11. no theres no AT&T here only optus, telstra, vodaphone, 3 network some others i cant think of the rest but theres a few.

  12. For once, thank goodness for tough immigration laws. I suggest you crawl back into the hole that you came out from. You are an oxygen thief.

  13. Yes there is a Military, and we also have running water and electricity too. We sleep in beds and drive cars. We have our own currency. Pretty much we are reasonably self contained. lol, fair dinkum!!!!!

  14. Maybe I'm menstrual, but with my fellow aussies telling you how it is, I'm so choked up with pride that I'm a wee bit teary...

    as said by my fellow country people,

    "don't bother, we neither want or need you!"

    I have a kind of ANZAC aussie pride reading the answers to your question.

  15. If you are going to use the excuse of, who is President, to emigrate, then I thought you would have done it 8 years back mate.

  16. Thankfully, it's very difficult to get a visa to move to Australia.

    We have enough f**kwits of our own over here without importing someone who a) doesn't even know if we have a military b) would leave his own country just because a black man was elected President and c) when thinking about moving to another country, asks only about whether he can use his phone there.

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