
Authentic Japanese Recipes/Cookbook?

by Guest31617  |  earlier

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Im trying to find some traditional recipes or a nice cookbook. The big problem im finding is alot are Westernized or made to suit western taste which is very anoying lol. If anyone knows a good book or site id be very greatfull, on a side note i can only speak Japanese at about a kindergartener Level and as for reading or writing.....Id rather not say.




  1. I have a very good authentic Japanese recipe book.  It's called "Japanese Cooking" and it's written by Emi Kazuko.  It's in English.  The recipes are authentic, but substitute ingredients are sometimes included for people who can't find certain traditional ingredients.  It has recipes, a glossary of ingredients, and a lot of detailed sections on cooking techniques.  It's definitely not westernized.  It's also full of beautiful pictures.  At the moment you can get it on for 42 cents:

  2. Try this site.  Hope it helps you..

  3. You can find a lot of great authentic Japanese recipes with yummy photos, all in English, at the following sites.

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