
Authentic UFO or alien videos?

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does anyone know any other then that peepin tom one, Any good conspiracy vids id like too.




  1. The best and only reasonable solution to the Fermi Paradox is that we are the ONLY show in the town... sorry kid.

    But if you just HAVE to believe in ETs and UFOs, the antichrist has something special in store for you. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    Type III 'aliens' and fake 'messiahs' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Just do NOT accept this:

    Later, ask yourself how we knew in advance:

    2 Thessalonians 2:10-13

  2. Since all a UFO is is an "Unidentified Flying Object" then I'm sure there are some photos and videos that haven't been faked. What they saw probably weren't aliens but if it's an object they weren't able to identify, technically it's an authentic UFO sighting. Some of them do get identify later on by experts as being weather balloons, top-secret US stealth crafts, or simply something wrong with their camera. But there are some that can't be explain so believers still believer and skeptics still don't. As long as people don't go all nutty with their beliefs in aliens, they're mostly harmless.

  3. No, there are no authentic UFO videos.  There are only hoaxes, mistaken identifications, and inclusive little blotches.

    The so-called peeping tom video was pretty quickly dismissed; that's why you don't see it around much anymore.  The proponent never really explained why he had a video camera set up to point at his window so that it "happened" to catch the alien peeping through it.  People just don't randomly set up video cameras pointing to random windows of their houses for hours on end.

    Believers claimed the video couldn't be a hoax because it was too sophisticated, and would require top-notch Hollywood effects wizards.  That too was soundly refuted when convincing replicas of the video were created and published within HOURS of the "original" video's release, requiring budgets of less than $100.

    And finally the proponent's insistence that people had to pay him to license the video for television use makes it pretty clear what his motive was.  This video had "hoax" written all over it from Day One.

    Since the advent of desktop video and the prevalence of digital image generation, we've had a whole lot of hoaxes.  Just shows how desperate some people are to believe in little green men.  Oops, I guess they're gray these days.

    EDIT 1:

    So FIRST you have to believe in little space aliens.  Then when you see something in the sky, you can say that it's a space-alien ship, because "seeing is believing."

    That's blatantly circular reasoning.  You might as well say UFOs are the chariots of Nargles, and your proof that Nargles exist is to look at their chariots.

    If you pay attention to Y!A, you'll find that most people accept the possibility of life elsewhere.  But whether that life is visiting Earth is another story.  When you look for evidence of such visitation, all you see is people trying to make a buck or draw some attention, always offering a smidgen of information there or a bit of conjecture there -- never anything that science can look at, but just enough to get gullible people to take them seriously.

    The "UFOs are alien spacecraft!" crowd have been pushing that theory for 60 years, and in that time they have come absolutely no closer to a conclusion now than they were 60 years ago.  We just have 60 years' worth of handwaving, blatantly circular reasoning, cherry-picked claims, amateur investigative techniques, and accusations of government coverups.  Had that since the 1940s -- not interested.

  4. There are no alien videos that are real because aliens haven't been visiting Earth.

    The only "conspiracy theories" that make sense to me and aren't totally and completely stupid is the Lincoln assassination. I haven't made up my mind about Kennedy yet. The Pearl Harbor theory? Maybe.

    I have yet to hear a fairly convincing theory about the moon landing. The moon landing wasn't fake, just so you know.

  5. There are several. But first off you have to believe in life form outer space. Most people here on the YA don't believe in UFOs. Too bad for them. Personally, I have seen 6 craft. They are quite real. Seeing is believing of course.

    In order to know what is real, you have to 'want' it. Then you will find if videos are real or not. Some claiming to be hoaxes are called hoaxes to cover up the truth.

    If you beleive in 'them' greatly enough you WILL get your answers.

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