
Authentic ghost orb photo!?

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I think I captured an authentic ghost orb on camera. I was at a family picnic and I snapped a picture of some people and when I looked at it I saw this ghost orb about the size of cantaloupe rising very quickly above their heads. You can tell it is rising quickly because of the blur. And it's not one of those orbs you know is a flash reflection because they are perfectly round and transparent. I didn't use a flash and this one is kind of an oval and brilliant solid white. NOTE! This photo was NOT photoshopped except to add the arrow and hide the faces of the people since I didn't get their permission to post this.

Has anyone photographed an orb like this before? Is this finally proof?




  1. You were outside - it's a bug in flight. It is solid and it is clearly closer than the trees which are hanging over the people's heads. It is blurry because it was moving and it was too close to the camera. The camera was focusing on the people further in the back - not up close. I too think I have photographed some orbs but I'm not sure - they can easily be explained away as dust or something else. It is just when the orbs are always near one person no matter where you take their picture for the night that it makes you wonder.

  2. You may have a picture of pollen there.  I will say that it is a great shot, but most pictures of pollen I have seen are very close.

  3. I like the shape and density of the image.  I don't think it is an orb (but then, I don't think orbs represent paranormal activity either)

  4. Looks like a paper plate to me.

  5. Yes, I believe when I was younger, my brother used to play baseball with an orb like this. At his little league games they used to throw the orb around, and bat it with a big wooden stick. I didn't know at the time that this orb was a spirit, or I would have told them to stop.

    They called it a baseball.

  6. no

  7. Proof of a white balloon..... Couldn't you pull off a better hoax than that?   ;-p

  8. I have to admit,that's convincing evidence of the paranormal.

  9. I think you have an authentic paranormal artifact there.  However, I don't think it's a human spiritual orb.  It's a little known fact that not only are ghosts of humans real, but there exists spiritual remnants of fruits and vegetables as well.  I think what you have here is a picture not of a human ghost orb, but the image of the ghost of a honeydew melon.  I have been investigating orbs for decades and I can say, with a reasonable degree of certitude, that this is only the third fruit ghost I've come across.  Congratulations on what is truly a very rare find.

  10. Any way you slice it, that's an incredible photo.

    Let's suppose we go with the orb hypothesis. Pretend for a second that I'm a believer in "spirit orbs". Most orbs, if actual paranormal phenomena, are transparent or semi-opaque which indicates their dual existence in the spirit realm as well as the physical realm. The more solid the orb appears, the more it has "crossed over" into the physical realm. This particular orb is completely opaque, indicating that it has crossed over completely and has become a purely physical phenomenon. Somewhere, there is a ghost who lost his orb, poor fellow. This is the same process by which socks are theorized to cross over from the physical realm into the spirit realm while tumbling around in the dryer. If only we could get a photo of a semi-transparent sock to support this hypothesis!

    However, as a scientist I reject the above conjectures. Rather, I a theorize that a chicken has developed the capacity for extended flight and bombed your family  picnic with an egg which you captured milliseconds before impact.

    A somewhat less interesting theory: somebody threw a ball.

  11. to me it looks a bit more like a rod than an orb, but I can guarantee that it's caused by the same thing a rod is.  a bug or bird flew by in the picture and got blurred.  you can see the color change at the bottom of the "orb", which is is neither the color of the tree or the orb, but a bit of a yellow.

  12. find your question very interesting,seems like you are having fun with your orb photo theory, do the people in the photo are

    really part of your family?did they saw the 'orbit,?

  13. I dont think we will ever be able to prove ghost orbs especially to the skeptics. You know this is most definitely weird.

  14. That is certainly a mind-boggling photo to have. The orb appears to be solid and flying through the air. It looks a lot like a white water balloon. If that appeared out of no where, I would certainly believe that something out of the ordinary happened. The shadows on the object make it appear solid, however, I am not sure solid objects have ever occured in paranormal history. Very nice photo!

  15. i am really into the paranormal and that orb you photographed doesnt look like any ghostly orb ive ever seen in books or pictures or online, it looks to me like you caught a white frisbee moving pretty fast, but you can always hope i guess

  16. I've always been interested in ghosts. I'm sorry to say that doesn't look like the orbs I usually see in photos. It looks like a balloon but who knows.

  17. Here at SEFGR, South East Florida Ghost Research, have enhanced your photo, only to find at the end of the "so called" orb is spikey formations, at least 6 to 8 of them. Orbs would be smooth.

    Not an Orb, maybe yellow Pollen.

  18. Sorry, dude, but it's not an orb. It looks like a waterballoon to me. I can't say exactly what it is, but I can tell you that it isn't an orb. Orbs aren't usually solid and don't cast shadows. Depending on place and the type of spirits that might inhabit the area, orbs can range in color: blue, white, red or even a kind of bluish white.

    Try taking a picture of your TV while it's off. That's a kick.

  19. I believe what we are seeing is a ball flying through the air.

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