
Authors: How long does it normally take you to revise a book?

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Hi! Wow, I seem to be asking a lot of questions lately. I was just curious, though, for all authors out there, how long does it take you to revise your book once you written it and re-written it? Thanks for any answers in advance!




  1. It depends. Mostly on how badly the rough draft stunk. *gg*

    If it just needs some cleaning up, it's not too bad. I can get through those edits in a week.

    If it's got plot holes you could drive a truck through, well, I try not to submit stories if they're in such awful shape. But let's say that some got past me. Then it's a 2-3 weeks of hard labor to make the story work again.

    Keep in mind that I write novellas, not full-length novels, though. That makes a difference on the time frame. And that I don't work outside the home. This is what I do.

  2. It's different for everyone.

    Me, it takes about a couple of months. I like to do entire rewrites because I see everything better from a more space view. Even when I'm re-writing a newspaper article, which might be 400 words, I re-write every word, even if it isn't entirely necessary. I just get a better, broader view that way.  

  3. For me, not really very long at all. I find that while I add about 10% to my first draft, it is really all about adding not changing. I really rewrite very little. The only situation where I could possibly think about revising seriously is if I found a really bad plot hole. But I have been trained to look for those as I go along and to work them through, so I can't even think of a time when I have had a really serious revision. Pax-C

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