
Autism, calling you parents with kids with autism ?

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did you notice that your child had a lot of fevers right before or right at 17 or 18 months before the vaccinations ( i dont believe they cause autism )

and for the mothers, were you induced while you were pregnant with your autistic child ?

My son had lots of fevers in that time frame and I was induced with him




  1. My daugther (asperger's) had many ear infections w/ fever around the 1.5 year mark.  

    Her traumatic birth (preemie/25 weeker) is what I feel is the cause of her asperger's - but who knows - I could be wrong.

  2. No fevers until after the vax, about six hours afterwards hit 107º with tylenol. Each time she was vaxed she did the same thing.

    I was not induced with my children.

  3. I dont remmeber my daughter getting fevers. In fact she rarely ever got sick. I was not induced but i did have an Emergency C section.

  4. I'm on the fence about the vaccinations causing autism....I know it didn't cause it in my son.  It came from his father.

    There is no question about it in my mind.  I knew nothing of AS until my son was dx'd with it.  My son has a half-brother (same father) that is about the same age he is and he has it too.  His father exhibited "aspielike behavior" during our marriage.  

    My son always had night sweats.  From the time he was born to even now.  He hardly ever ran/runs a temperature (he runs 96.8 not 98.6).  He's only had a fever 4 times in 9 years.  Matter of fact he sweats quite a bit.  Not constantly but easily.

    The only times I can remember him having fever was right after labor.  Mine was 102.9 his was 101.5 they said it was from the epidural.  He was also jaundice because he has A+ and I'm O-.  And when he was 18 months old he ran 102 temp from some kind of viral infection.

    He kept constant ear infections ( 4 sets of tubes in 3 years ) but no fever.  He was far from the typical child.

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