
Autism. Anyone out there done chelation for autistic child? If so how do you do it,is it safe?Does it work?

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Any other advise to help autisic child please? We are already getting speech service.




  1. There is no proof that it works. I know that autism is hard, My dad was in charge of a autistic school when i was in high school and i helped out there, but most evidence shows that their is no quick fix like chelation. People say it works but I believe that people want it to work so badly that they convince themselves that the littlest improvement is because of that treatment not because of the hard work their child had been doing for years. I just have a hard time believing that Mercury causes autism.

  2. I have heard of chelation therapy because my brother in law had it done several times for toxic levels of metals in his system. He says it has made a HUGE difference in his health. But I don't know the results for children with autism. I would research as much as you can on the topic, both positive and negative and also see if you can network with other parents who have autistic children and see if they have tried it.

  3. Hi Hun ..i have not heard of that before ..But Thomas whom is pictured left with his twin sister Kylie was diagnosed at aged three with severe autism, from that day we have had a routine in place for him and us he know what comes and when, Patience you will need a lot of and remember talk to your child they take in more than we think they do, Thomas is 10 now still non verbal and still in nappies/diapers, he is doing well at school and knows his routine for this as we do the same thing we have done since he started school and Kylie bless her has fitted in with it too, its a long road ahead but take each day as it comes .. Thomas on you tube in the link below ..i show a positive side to autism i am told :)

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