
Autism Therapies?

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I was wondering if there was a site for all the different therapies offered to children with autism. my son goes to both Speech and occupational therapy, but i was just wondering if there were differents forms of it. Thank you




  1. is the web site for the Autism Research Institute in CA. There is a section on therapies and treatments and there effectiveness.

  2. I ran a search engine and came up with ...

    There's a lot of therapies out there with proven effectiveness but there's many that are often fly by the night offering false hopes.  With speech therapy a lot depends on your therapists.  Mine attend conferences and stay up on a lot of the latest information.  I've had some that were not as aggressive in learning new techniques.

    My occupational therapists employ cranio sacral techniques into the program and work on sensory integration.

    I always ask new therapists to explain their programs to me, which methods they apply and do some further research.  I browsed the link I posted and I've seen wonders with craniosacral, and several of the others.  

    You also have to realize that works for one may not work for another and be open to explore other options.  I had one doctor tell me a gluten free casein free diet had no support with data but it did wonders.

    Good luck!

  3. Check out Also, check out other non-traditional therapies such as Hyperbarics, Tomatis,  biomedical treatments and hippo therapy. I have seen these therapies make a difference.

  4. Go to the Autism Society of America. They have information on the following:

    Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

    Treatment & Education of Autistic and Related Communication of Handicapped Children (TEACCH)

    Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS)

    Pivotal Response Treatment

    Floor Time

    Social Stories

    Sensory Integration

    Facilitated Communication

    Complementary Approaches

    Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)


    Vitamins & Minerals

    Dietary Interventions (gfcf diet)

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