
Autistic Children....?

by  |  earlier

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what are some activities that would be good for an autistic child?




  1. Hm, well, I'm guessing regular play like other children, except for the things that does not work with the specific child. I guess painting, playing with soft balls, sing-clap-hands-games, different games that involve moving in certain ways or copying certain movements.

    I guess really autistic children would play about the same games as other children, but since the autistic ones have certain difficulties, I guess you would have to adjust it to what you think would suit the autistic child.

    They are all different.

  2. the spectrum is so wide-can'ty list specifics

    gross motor activities

    fiine motor





    activities of daily living

  3. I used to teach job skills to people with developmental disabilities.

    Each person is different, you gotta run all kinds of things by them to find out what they really like.

    When their eyes light up and they really get fixated on something, bingo.

    Now that you know what they like, you can use that to teach them tons of stuff.

    Example: Many DD people love Batman. I used this all the time for teaching.

    Math, chores, being nice to others, hygiene... all of these things are very important to Batman.

    It's a very open question and there are no easy answers without meeting the child.

    Good luck.

  4. As autism is on a very large spectrum your question is very difficult to answer. Most autistic children prefer activities that are on a one to one basis and don't like to be part of a large group. They also need a lot of positive reinforcement and praise.

  5. Hello,

    Any activity you would have for any other kid. How old is yours?

    Do not make them do something they are not into or you will have a unhappy kid who just might get so frustrated that it is not worth it.

    Mine can play for hours with his cars. He lines them up and it is not a good idea for this game to be played with others. I also got him into the church which he dearly loves, this is where he gets to be around others.

    I cooked with mine. It taught him reading, math,science and he got to eat what we made. I started this with my kids when real little with no bake stuff. My youngest has a form of autism and is older and now knows how to make a lot of things, however I still have to be here just in case his attention span gets wondering and he gets into something else leaving his stuff in the oven to burn or whatever.

    Below is a link to a program my boys  school has started. I love the program!! Of course the kids in the program are older.....

  6. try and get them into a play group and get them used to other kids and see how they react together.
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