
Auto Insurance. Do I have to file a claim if I don't want to? And the other driver already has?

by  |  earlier

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We were bumper to bumper in traffic. Somehow, I rear-ended the car in front of me. The police officer called to the scene gave me a written warning for following too closely. We both have very minor damages. The other driver has filed a claim but I didn't. I want to repair my car outta pocket to avoid the deductible. The ins. of the other party called me twice to ask if I filed a claim. Do I have to?




  1. You do not have to file a claim. However, if the other person insurance company finds you a fault then you will have to pay for there bumper as well. So if you have the money and want to pay for there bumper you should just contact that person and tell them you will repair there bumper without dealing with the insurance. But you need to do that fast.

  2. If they contacted your insurance company, then no.

    In fact in most states, you don't have to disclose this information for this very reason.

    For example lets say, their damage was $750 and your deductible is $500.

    They love it when you do it this way for obvious reasons.

    It shouldn't matter to them where the check comes from and in fact most insurance companies won't "ding" your rates if you do it this way.

    First off, get a simple contract that states the agreed settlement is final.

    Insurance companies put this right on the back of their checks.

    If they refuse to handle it privately, talk to your agent.

    They may also act as a "middle man" if you pay them for their reimbursement.

    It never hurts to ask.

  3. No.  The other driver files a claim with his insurance, they pay him for his damages and then they come after you.  However since you are at fault then you are legally liable for paying the damages they incurred.  So you can either pay them out of pocket or file a claim with your insurance so your insurance can pay them.  That is a liability claim.    Then there is the collision claim portion, if you have this coverage, it covers damage to your car whether you're at fault or not (less your deductible).  This you do not have to use whetheryou file a liability claim or not.

  4. You are supposed to make a statement to your insurance company.  do you *have* to?  I don't know the law.  I don't know what'll happen if you don't.  I would.

    You don't have to make a claim.

    What does "avoid the deductible" mean?

  5. Unfortunately because you were at fault... your insurance is going to cover the damages to the other persons vehicle. If they've already put a claim in... your insurance company has already been notified of the accident.

  6. no you do not have to.  BUT the other persons insurance company WILL come after you for repayment of their claim since you rear ended them. (you were at fault)

  7. I recommend an online insurance quote. It's free and generally hassle free.

  8. Read your policy.  You should report the claim to your insurance company.  You do not have to file a first party claim for the repair to your vehicle.  However,  the other party's insurance company will pay for the damage to the other person's vehicle, and then subrogate against your insurance company to recover what they paid.  If you do not report the claim to your insurance company, it is possible that they will deny coverage for failure to cooperate/timely reporting.

  9. You should talk to your insurance company about this, but in short, you don't have to file a claim for your damage, but your insurance rates will likely go up due to you causing an accident and making them pay for the damage to the other car.

  10. Your insurance must pay for the other partys damage.  Simply notify your insurance company of the accident and have the other party contact your insurance company.  You do not have to have your own car fixed if you choose not to but since you were at fault you do have to have your insurance pay for the others damage.  Failure to cooperate with the other party can get you sued.

  11. haha um... YES!  You were at fault for the accident regardless of how minor.  The other party is owed BY YOU their damages.  If you dont call it into your company you can look forward to a big fat bill being sent to your doorstep and you will have to pay out of pocket (and you will have no say in the cost of it.)

    Seriously? I just dont get people.  What makes you think you get to choose whether or not they can get their damages fixed through your insurance or not?

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