
Auto Insurance policy: Excluded driver surcharge?

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I have a PA auto policy with Titan Insurance (I'm high risk).

My original ID cards did not list an excluded driver, however, when I misplaced them and printed new ones from the website I found that my mother was listed as an Excluded driver.

(We are household residents.)

From what I understand, you must sign something in order to have an excluded driver. I don't remember signing anything when I got my policy (8/9/07), which if had it would have reflected on my original ID cards, and did not sign ANYTHING when I renewed (2/9/08).

IF they had ASKED me if I wanted to exclude my mother, I would have told them absolutely not. I have no problem with her driving my vehicle, and it would only hurt me, as she has such a clean driving record and high insurance score.

When I got my dec page for renewal (8/9/08) it listed "EXCLUDED DRIVER SURCHARGE." So they've been charging me?

I've called my agency and told them I would like to see the form where I excluded my mother.




  1. If they don't produce the 'document,' and/or you don't recognize it or your signature, contest it with the insurance company. If it is part of the application, then you can decide whether you want to pursue the agent angle (advising the insurance company that the agent never told/showed/asked you about this and you were relying on his/her expertise). If they agree, they can always refund, especially if mom hasn't had any claims. Question: Why would they "surcharge" you for them not covering your mom? It only helps them to have one less "risk" in the house, so they shouldn't be able to charge you. An additional charge should include an additional "coverage," not the elimination of risk for the insurance company.

  2. I write insurance for Titan, and they have some weird rules on their policies. When I quote an auto policy with Titan, it will show me all the members of a household when I put the address in. You and your mother would be listed as licensed household members. On the application, it asks if there are any other licensed drivers in the household, and I'm guessing you said no. If you signed the application stating that no one else was to be covered on your policy, you excluded her.

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