
Auto claimed denied for unspecific reasons (Travelers massachusetts)?

by  |  earlier

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Il try to make this down dirty:

*we have 2 cars, both with 1 agent whom I worked for

*both have full coverage, the one in question has a loan so we HAVE to have everything on it.

*Policies are made out to both me & my wife of 2 years.

she was coming in car#2, the new car to pick me up from work, about 15 miles from home someone forced her off the road into a pole.

no injuries..was going less than 10mph.

infant in backseat no injuries

*I arrive BEFORE police, call police reguardless to report drunk driver, later to learn the police listed ME as the driver.

dont know why.

*autoins adjuster spots damage at 3700

everything looks to be going right with travelers.

1. your wife isnt on the policy...oh wait might be a agent over site...she;s on it.

2 oh no.your wife is on as an "additional insured" only...

3 she has an out of state liscense...sorry (I was deployed to iraq, and she was pregnant staying with her parents in the home state, so she kept her orig liscense)

claim denied. theres more




  1. That's crazy.  If they have officially denied you claim and sent you a denial letter, I would report them to the insurance commision.  I don't see any reason for them not to cover it unless her license was suspended.  Drop Traveler's and get with a better company.

    It doesn't matter if your wife is on the policy or not.  They insure the vehicle, not the person.  Talk to the adjuster's supervisor.  It doesn't sound like they know what they're doing, maybe that person is new or on the verge of being fired for bad claims practice.

  2. Your wife is automatically covered on your policy no matter what because she is your spouse. So that reason is out of the question. Has to be another reason and you need to see the claim adjustor or his boss or both to get things straighten out. Communication here is the key.

  3. Your wife should be covered as a "Permissive" driver.  The policy is written against the vehicle.  She had permission to operate it.  Your insurance should cover it.

    Unless things have changed, if a claim is denied, they have to send you a formal written letter outlining their reason.

    If you disagree with the reason, they also have to inform you of your legal recourse, including an appeal, and also the contact information for the State Insurance Commissioner.

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