
Auto insurance pleasure or personal?

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Im goin to buy my car soon and Im goin to need insurance.. I wanted to ask, that they going to ask me if the car is for pleasure or personal use (work/school). Which would be cheaper??

I was thinking pleasure because you don't drive much, so your not a high risk and it would be cheaper..





  1. Help yourself - you can easily check your quotes for different options in internet, for example here:

  2. I've gone through the similiar thing -- still a little bit painful,here is the resource help me out.

  3. You are honest how you use your car.  The insurance company will ask your occupation, where you work & how you get there.  If you drive 10 miles to work one way, tell them.  The difference is minimal unless you use your car in the course of your job (drive to different locations during the day on work related matters).

    Honesty is the best policy when it comes to insurance.  If you have a claim & they found out you lied about the use of your car, it will delay the claim while they investigate to be SURE you are telling the truth with every last detail.  You may think it is a little thing but the insurance companies don't think it is.  Save yourself some aggravation & tell the truth, from the very beginning.

  4. Everyone wants the cheapest auto insurance. Everyone is constantly looking comparing this auto insurance provider with this one. It's almost like a parlor game, isn't it. I've done it too. If you've ever gotten a speeding ticket or have a young teenager itching to drive that you've just added to your policy or if you've been<!--involved in an accident, it can get more and more expensive, can't it? Auto insurance is too expensive. You're not alone. it's true for almost every American family.You may get your queires answered here,

    The problem for discounts, however, is quality. Many ask is, "Is this cheap auto insurance worth buying? What kind of coverage do I have to sacrifice for a cheaper premium?" What is a small bi-yearly or yearly or monthly bill can become astonishingly high if you cheat on your-->deductible coverage or coverage amount. You need to therefore really search the different companies for the best, most comprehensive policy. Hope is here. There are good companies out there.

  5. I'm assuming your a teenage driver. Here there is some good advice with car insurance for teenagers:

  6. Sue has given you the best answer. Don't lie to the insurance company because if you make a claim and they find out

    (and they will!) that you have lied to get a cheaper rate it may invalidate your insurance which means they can cancel your insurance coverage and give you back your premium and

    not pay for any claim that you are making. If you think you

    won't get found out I have news for you. The insurance company I work for hires private investigators to interview your neighbours, fellow workers or students to find out if you drive your car to work or school. That is how important that rating is to them!

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