
Auto insurance question?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, basically my family has 2 cars and 3 drivers (including myself)

so we are getting another one very soon.

My insurance premium is very high because i am only 17 so i was wondering if one person could be primary on 2 cars and me as secondary

so my question a little more clearly is: 3cars,3drivers, do you need 3 different primary drivers?

btw its for ontario





  1. I also live in Ontario, and as far as I know, there are certain insurance companies who will allow one driver to be primary on two cars, but only in the case of one of the cars CLEARLY being used only by that driver.

    Example: My dad is primary on both our sports car (corvette, no one else drives standard) and a sedan. This allows my younger sister to be a secondary driver even though we have four drivers and four cars.

    Note: This is not true for all insurance companies or cars.

  2. basically it's the number of cars versus the number of drivers

    as long as there were only two cars then you could be classified as an occasional driver (lower rate) but as soon as ya'll get another car then

    you'll be listed as principal driver (higher rate)

  3. I've gone through the similiar thing -- still a little bit painful,here is the resource help me out.

  4. For automobile insurance the most efficient way to get a good rate is do a policy comparison on auto policies. Make certain that you compare similar policies with the same limits, auto make, location, etc so that all things are an accurate comparison.

    What I always recommend is an internet comparison quote at since they have top name insurers and can give multiple quotes on car insurance polices.

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