
Auto transmetion help ?

by  |  earlier

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i am having problems with auto transmetion i have checked fluid which is full but i am not able to move in drive or any other gear i have checked gear selecter and i carn't start it in gear so it's ingageing but not moveing.please help




  1. Time for a new transmission. Sorry.  

  2. Garry,

       You must change the TRANSMISION fluid not just top it off

                                                                              utterly pointlessly,

                                                                                          BOB VILLA

  3. Automatic "Transmission". Did you check the fluid with the Engine Running? Brownish and Bad Smell? Slipping clutches, Can feel it engage but won't pull. Sounds like a Rebuild is Called For. "Do a Complete at a "Good Transmission Shop!"

  4. If its a front wheel drive it could be a bad drive axle. Could be a broken shift cable. But most likely its inside the transmission and you will need to take it to a shop and have it looked at.

  5. Tina, it's a transmission.

    Could be the torque converter or the transmission. You don't say what model car of mileage. Some cars are more prone to problems.

    Whatever you do, stay away from transmission stores like AAMCO or MrTransmission. Find an ATRA certified shop to take it to. If it is bad, be prepared to shell out over a thousand to fix it. It may not be that much depending on what kind of car you have.

    WOW, that tranny is 20 years old. Ever have the fluid changed? You don't have ATRA shops where you live, Australia??

    I doubt the car is worth putting that much money into.

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