
Automakers' Suit on Gas Emissions Tossed - what do you think of mpg restrictions for car makers?

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Federal Judge Says California Can Regulate Greenhouse Gases From Cars, Tosses Automakers' Suit

What do you think about raising the mpg requirements for cars and trucks? Good idea, bad? Why?




  1. Bad idea.  People should be able to make their own decisions about the importance of fuel efficiency.

  2. Great idea.

    The US is way behind the rest of the world (including China) on our fuel economy standards.  This will finally start bringing us up to par.

    We know the auto companies can do it, because it's been done in Europe, China, Canada, etc.

    The US is the worst industrialized country in terms of per capita greenhouse gas emissions.  We need to start walking the walk with regards to global warming.  As developing countries, China and India have every right to expect the US to lead the way in emissions reductions, and China is ahead of us on mileage requirements!

  3. I used to be very troubled at the shortsightedness of Car companies and western consumers in general. People are responsible to themselves ultimately and in this society are free to make their own decisions. Unfortunately most people are total morons and have no idea what is going on around them. So they will have to deal with the consequences of their stupid decisions.

    There are already widespread oil shortages all over the globe. PEAK OIL is already happening. oil prices are up 800% since 1999 because we're at the plateau of production. This year prices will go up even more. People want to do nothing. Are you kidding?? Its already too late to avoid a crisis. We should be putting everything into building an electrical system. Electric cars. Not efficient hybrids and micro cars. We need to pull a kennedy apollo program right now to build wave, geothermal, wind, solar ASAP.

    My advice to everyone. Be as green as you can get and stop squabbling like idiots on the titanic. Grab a boat and invest in oil futures because the party's over. I don't mean t o be arrogant but i'm amazed at the stupidity of some people. Amazed.

  4. It would be more sensible to simply increase gas taxes.  The money could be earmarked for developing renewable energy sources, the higher gas price would increase market pressure for higher efficiency vehicles, while simultaneously making alternative fuel sources (such as algea oil) financially viable.

  5. This is a win not only for California, but 16 other states as well!

    In the ruling, Federal District Court Judge Anthony Ishii rejected the auto industry's claim that,  "federal fuel economy standards preempted the authority of California and other states to limit global warming pollution from automobiles."

    This is the fourth major set back for the automotive and oil industries on the environmental front legally.  Almost every state on the Eastern Seaboard has set tough now emissions standards for public and school buses; a law similar to California's was up help in Vermont; and the Supreme Court found that the EPA is OBLIGATED to up hold CO2 emission standards -- a blow to Bush as well.

    The U.S. auto makers can meet these guidelines.  They have to stop using the legal positioning, feet dragging and intentional delays they went to hold of higher safety standards for decades.

    Japan is dominating the hybrid vehicle industry.  Because Honda and Toyota have stepped up and committed to these programs.

    If the Big Three want to regain respect, market share, and be seen as leaders they don't need to meet "green" expectations.  They need to get out there and EXCEED them!

  6. Bad idea.  They are making a too large of a jump in the requirements.  It took better part of 25 years to recover from the original laws in the early 70s.  We had sports cars with less than 200 hp that were slower than an new economy car.  

    Right now companies are designing cars for 2012.  Its probably too late to do something that huge by 2016.  If they pull it off its going to add several thousand dollars to the price of a car.  If they went up say 10% every 5-7 years (avg. life of a vehicle before its completely redesigned) or so I think it would be a much more affordable plan.

    Cali having their own laws is another problem.  Auto companies have to spend money building 2 cars for the US.  One for Cali which is cleaner and less powerful and one for everybody else.  Everybody loses unless the US comes up with 1 standard.

    Dana - If you want to drive one of those microcars (much smaller than cars like a Honda Fit) that they have in Europe and Japan be my guest.  I'd like a car that's big enough for multiple people to ride in comfort.  China has most of the highest polluted cities in the world too.  So much for them being a leader in pollution control.

  7. We need higher gas mileages not only for global climate change, but also for weaning ourselves from foreign oil.  There's a reason why we're in Iraq right's oil.

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