
Automatic writing (spiritual writing).. getting attack in dreams now.. please help!?

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ok this is real serious:

A couple of years back, a friend and I were curious about automatic writing (spiritual writing) and we tried it. I was not able to do it but my friend could. I could ask a question in my head and the spirit would answer it through her. Well in the last 2 yrs I been having a demonic dreams. I tried to get rid of it but its hard and now I been getting those dreams weekly. I would say "In Jesus name..." and it would go away but still return each week...

When I am about to have these dreams.. my whole body will get tingly and I can not move or wake up till the demon scares me.. and if I can wake up and I go back to sleep it will keep on doing it till it finally scares me... it does not matter if I wake up several times at night to avoid it will still do it and I can still stay awake for an hour and once I go back to sleep it still do it... I can usually tell when its about to happen cause I can feel my whole body tingly right before it he appears... now he laughs at me and talks and tries to scare me! What is going on? What can I do to get rid of it? Has anyone else been through this before? (I did not know that spirit writing could do this or would not done it.. I am a christian)>. one more thing, How can I close the door to the evil sprirt?




  1. first of all, calm down. this will not work if you have doubts. please remember, this is phsycological. i am not saying you are crazy, i am just saying it is your mind and you decide what gets in. but it it hard to do so consciously with something that seems that powerful so- focus your inner power:

    light candles, incense, whatever makes you feel close to God. Do it in broad daylight, in a place you feel safe. read some of the bible. try to memorize small phrases. When you have the nightmares, recite them.  Remember, God made you for a purpose, He wouldn't let that purpose be swept away for something like Satan's whim.  

  2. Hello

    You are not being attacked, what you are experiencing is a conflict between what you believe & what you have experienced.  

    Demonic dreams are the same as all dreams, they arise from the subconscious mind, a form of language from your mind to you.

    The only thing to fear is fear itself, your religious views have clouded your spiritual judgement, so all experiences or perceived experiences are automatically clouded by your own mind.

    Automatic writing is channelled energy, a way to get closer to God & those in spirit about you, having worked with spirit for over 20 years, trust me you are safe from spirit, but not from yourself!


  3. I did Automatic Writing too. At the time I didn't really realize that there was a spirit there with me.It didn't scare me...but I think it was very deceptive. Actually there was more than one. I could tell a difference in them.  I think they hang around when we're at our lowest point. I don't know if they 're good or bad or if some were good and some were bad. That's the thing about A.W. and Ouija boards etc. You never know who you'll get or who is with you. I've had nightmares for a long time now. I'm reading your answers to see if I can get some help too.

  4. Pray.

    Get outside help.

    Try laying on of hands.

  5. No I DO not think you are crazy, honey I think you are definitely being haunted by a demon, I would Really suggest going to a priest that could bless you and maybe your home too. That is NOT something to play around with!  

  6. I think you should tell your priest about the things happening and ask him to bless you.

  7. Yeah, spirit writing is one of those things you shouldn't do unless you have a really strong trust relationship with your spirit guide. Mine protect me when I do writing. Same with Channeling.

    okay, are there any other clues that you have a demon in the house? do you ever feel attacked when you're still awake, but laying in bed?

    When he laughs and talks, are you awake, or is this what happens in your dreams? If you're awake, what does he do that scares you?

    I'm wondering, because ghosts or demons in dreams very rarely mean that you actually have one. It means that something is scaring you and naturally it shows up in your dreams.

    The tingly is normal--it's spirit activity moving through your body. I do it ever night and it's merely the touch of my guardian angels.

    Which brings me to your next one...your half in, half out of consciousness, your aware you're dreaming, and you feel tingly and suddenly you can't move.... I do it every night and the first few times it happens it can be scary. But you're okay. I think what's happening is that you're beginning to astral travel. In order for your spirit to leave your body, your body needs to be immobilized. When this happens, are you usually flat on your back, arms at your sides?

    Prayers is excellent. In this case, what it does is calm YOU down and if you do have an evil spirit they'll protect you.

    Holy water is good too. As are burning white candles and frankincense (or frankincense and myrrh).

    But I honestly don't think you have an evil spirit, unless I'm reading it wrong. What I feel is YOUR fear. Something is happening that you don't understand and it's scaring the c**p out of you. Been there done that, seriously. The spirit world can be a scary place when you're new to everything. But I don't actually feel anything evil around you.

    Anyway, feel free to email. Hope this helps. Love and light to you.

  8. Get some holy water. Water that has actually been blessed by a priest. Rub it on the temples of your head then rub some on your stomach area to cleanse your soul and pray to God to get rid of this demon.

  9. Automatic writing is like a ouija board. You have opened up a line straight to your mind.  Go to your local minister (or equivilant) and ask for help.  Make sure your friend goes too.

    You also need to get some balance.  Contact the Association for Research and Enlightenment for help.

  10. Dear Friend,

    No one here is going to have the complete answer that you're looking for. All we can offer you is advice. I pray that mine doesn't get lost among all the others.

    I recently read a book titled: "The Invisible War By Chip Ingram". He explains what to look for when you're under attack and how to respond.

    One of the things that you need to do is read, "Ephesians 6:10-20". It's about putting on the Whole Armor of God. If you don't have a King James Version Study Bible, go to your local library, and either hand copy it or use their printer. Be sure to ask them how to enlarge the print so you can read it better. Otherwise you may have trouble seeing it.

    Once you have these verses and the complete understanding at the bottom, memorize it. Because you are going to take this into your dream. You have to learn how to take things into your dreams when you need to. I know it sounds like some kind of scifi stuff, but it can be done because I've done it.

    When I was in my 20's, I had dreams about being able to fly. Problem was I couldn't control it. So every night before falling asleep I'd say untill I fell asleep, "It's only a dream and I can do whatever I want to do". I think it took about 2 weeks before I was flying all over the place. One night I fell asleep while watching, "Honey, I shunk the kids", and I was in the movie.

    If you're able to do this, you may be able to recite the Whole armor of God and handle him for a while.


  11. Hi there,

    I have had experiences that are VERY similar to yours a few years ago. And what I discovered was that this frightening experience happened to me because I was at a state in my life where I was letting it happen, so to speak. That is, I was going through something in my life where I was feeling alot of guilt about something, and I felt very unsafe and depressed overall. When these experiences happened to me, which as I said were very similar to yours, it seemed very external and independent of me, like I was being victimized by something profoundly evil; but at the same time I kind of understood that underneath my happy go lucky facade, my state of mind was deeply unhappy and negative and that this emotional state had *allowed* this to occur.

    The most profound spiritual lesson I have learned is that when we are truly happy and okay with ourselves and in a positive place emotionally, we are not susceptible to spiritual attack, but when we are feeling negativity, guilt, perpetual anger & sadness, etc. it undermines our safety and we become vulnerable to the kind of experiences that you (and I) had. So my advice is that to get rid of this thing and these frequent traumatic experiences, reaaaally do some soul searching and try your best to eradicate what is bothering you and bringing your energy down, and try your best to live in integrity and [genuine] positivity. Negative energy cannot exist among the positive, it needs negative emotions to settle in and thrive. If you want to get rid of your attacker, you need to get right with yourself, girl. Please be VERY honest with yourself about what is causing pain and discomfort in your life, and do your best to eradicate it and live in integrity and love: the extent to which you are successful in this will be the extent to which you get rid of the entity that is plaguing you. I really do wish you the best.

  12. i dont think that there is a demon in your life cuz of this. but i havent studied much about this, but it kinda sounds scary that he laughs and talks to you. sorry, but im still a kid thats studying all of this. good luck. and i was about to try this...

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