
Automobile Hit and Run Question?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up this morning and someone hit my side of car. Is it cover by comprehensive or collision or something else? and if i fit it with my insurance, will that increase my monthly payment?




  1. It is covered under your collision.  They pay you the repair cost less your deductible amount.  You can always report it and then decide not to take the claim payment.  It may increase your monthly payment.  I would report it and see how much you would get from the insurance for repairs and decide if you think its worth the chance of your rates going up.

  2. Hit and run to your parked car will be covered under your collision coverage (subject to any deductible you may have).  You MUST report the hit and run to the police, then to your insurance company.  Will it raise your rate ?  I can't say but if you want your car fixed, you will have to report it.  Why buy insurance at all, if when you use it you worry about your rates going up ?

  3. It would be covered by the comprehensive portion of your policy.

    You need to call the police and file a police report ( the insurance company will want this ).

    If you have never had an accident, it should not raise your rate.

    If the damage is very slight, or if you have a high deductible, you might want to consider just letting the car as it is( if you decide to do this - do not even call your insurance company ).  That is a judgment you have to make.  If your driver's door won't open right - you gotta get it fixed - you gotta have a door to get in or out.

  4. If they hit your car ("collided" with it) then it would be covered by your collision coverage.  File a police report for a hit and run and call your insurance agent.  They will likely want to see the report.  

    Typically you can file it on your insurance and when you get it repaired you will pay your deductible amount and your insurance will pay the rest.  For example, if there's $1000 damage and you have a $500 collision deductible, then your insurance will pay $500 and you will pay $500.  

    Since this accident is not your fault, it should not affect your rate, but of course, the rules on this differ from company to company, so it is best to consult your agent about that.  

  5. Its under your collision coverage, try to file a police report, b/c your ins. co will wonder why you didnt, if for some reason they wont file it b/c you dont know who the other party was or you waited too long get names of who you spoke with at the police dept.

    the insurance company will pay whatever is over your deductible.

    ex. & it shouldnt increase you mo. payments but every insurance co. is different so dont really know that one.

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