
Automotive accidents

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I don't understand what causes some people to have so many car accidents. I have been driving for 22 years and never caused an accident. I only had 1 accident that was someone else's fault. I must have drove at least 400,000 miles in these 22 years. Considering all that I have drove is it unlikely that I will ever cause an accident that I am at fault for?




  1. Well accidents happen I have no tickets or accidents but I have been hit by this old guy because he didn't know what was going on in front of him while being stopped and they still want to blame me so sometimes sh** happens but you cant back down stay being a good driver.

    Not everyone is good at everything so everyone has different level of skill on the road we all cant be some kind of race car driver or professional driver but some people like to think that.

    Even people that do racing like F1 and nascar there specific drivers that often cause accidents.

    So it depends on the driver there skill level and experience. Some people like to drive fast or cant hold there speed very well.

  2. I am not going to boast,but I have been driving for 40 years in a big rig,and 40 million miles one accident,and i was exonerated from that one,don`t say you will never have a accident,then it will happen,I never bragg about my record unless I am making a point.

  3. Just because you haven't had a collision, doesn't mean you won't tomorrow.  Your good driving record is a good indication that you may be at lower RISK, (and, hopefully, your insurance rates reflect this) but, one moment's inattention is all it takes to become involved in a situation.

    One way to look at it is to play the odds.  You COULD look at it and say that you are long DUE for an accident.  That you have been lucky to have avoided one, all these years.

    But, I prefer to look at it this way.  By being a careful, defensive driver, you are the carrier of your own luck.  In other words, luck had nothing to do with it.

  4. In almost every traffic accident, both drivers involved were doing something wrong that contributed to the accident occurring in the first place.

  5. According to the experts, the major causes of car accidents are due to driver accidents. Mere a slight distraction such as talking on mobile phones, using electric razors or laptops that drivers do while driving can lead to a sever car accidents. These are the reasons which compel drivers to take their eyes off the road for even a second for causing, if not deadly but serious accidents. Therefore, many counties have banned the use of mobile phones while driving a vehicle and people are using hands free ear phone as its alternative. The use of light weight ear bud allows the drivers to carry on their conversation without any kind of distraction.

    Another serious cause of car accidents is when a driver attempts to drive a vehicle after drinking. The alcoholic effect does raise mayhem for a while and any individual with alcohol level of .01 in his/her blood is deemed as unfit for driving. Intake of alcohol may develop drowsiness, inability to measure distances, loss of focus and reaction at times.

    Tailgating and rubbernecking are other potential causes of car accidents that are practised dangerously by many people while they drive. Rubbernecking happens when drivers slow their car suddenly to look anything unusual like another accident on the road. When a driver quickly slow down his or her car, the driver behind that car usually does not get enough time to stop his car running behind it and as a result in the rear end collision, it turn into severe car accidents. This is similarly applicable for tailgating in which the driver following might not get enough time or distance to stop the car and turn into fatal accident. These two potential reasons for car accidents are very common these days especially among youth people.

    Although the probability of car accidents depend upon driver’s behaviour, but conditions like mechanical failure and the road conditions can’t be neglected which also causes severe accidents. The number of people dyeing due to car accidents is increasing day by day. However, there are some technical solutions have introduced in an attempt to aid these problems and in a contribution to reduce the death rate because of automobile accidents. The technology like proximity monitors help drivers to estimate the distance between two cars, sobriety detectors which determines the amount of alcohol concentration in the drivers and drifting monitors alert the drivers when the car drifts to the extreme of one side of the highway or the other, have possibly reduced the rate of accidents occurring everyday.

  6. Getting drunk, medications, drugs, sleeping disorders, a lot of other stuff. Oh and cell phones, lack of attention...

  7. On your side, luck, skill and paying attention to whats happening around you. As for the other person. Using a cell phone to talk or text while trying to control a heavy piece of machinery down roadways while junior(s) is in back crying that the dvd that he is watching in the rear of the headrest is not to his or her liking. Lack of true driving skills and going through life believing that they a (good driver) while never studying driving skills and learning how to improve them.
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