
Autopilot Flying in FSX?

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Like a lot of us, I love flying in FSX. Unlike a lot of us, I don't use autopilot, in the ILS sense of the word, the way I should.

I know how to file a flight plan, it's entered in my GPS (we're talking a Boeing 737 here), and taking off and following preliminary instructions isn't all that hard. But the problem is, I take off and I fly on and on and on, expecting the autopilot to kick in and guide me down the waypoints, or at least have ATC direct me to change my heading trim towards the waypoints. This doesn't happen.

So, what am I missing? The flight plan is filed and it's in my GPS, I've got GPS mode toggled on in the autopilot panel, and my master autopilot is switched on. How do I get the plane to steer itself?




  1. Your "Flight Simulator" question belongs in the GAMES section.  The TRANSPORTATION section is for questions about REAL aircraft, not pretend ones in a computer game.

  2. To have FSX track your GPS flight plan, simply switch your NAV/GPS button to GPS, than hit the actual NAV button. Make sure you've got A/P on! Good luck!

  3. Flight Simulator X is an extremely complex flight simulator used even by real world pilots for training. Many cringe when it's called a game. think it's fine to be in this category :)

    To slave the autopilot to the GPS, you need to switch a k**b from NAV to GPS. Where that k**b is depends on the aircraft, but on the B738 it's in the middle of the autpilot stack. Once you have done that, the FMS display should change to show the flight path. Engage the AP and then select NAV on the AP stack. The plane will now intercept the course.

    If you're coming in for an ILS approach be sure to flick the k**b back to NAV otherwise you won't get the glidescope/localizer. Also, don't fly GPS approaches if you are on an ILS flight plan. You should fly the autpilot on HDG, following vectors from the ATC.

  4. ok mate.. from memory  the gps - nav button has to be on gps, then when u inable the auto pilot, u have to click the nav button in the auto pilot, - its not the gps - nav buttong but itll be a loc or a nav button just press that and the plane wil lstart turning

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