
Availability of Hoodia gordonii capsules for obesity in Karnataka, India?

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  1. By having Hoodia pills alone, you will not lose weight permanently and may suffer from side effects, since your body still needs proteins and vitamins for daily activities. There  are  indications that Hoodia may cause liver damage. If you are constantly hungry and eating a lot, hoodia will reduce your appetite. More information on hoodia  available  at

  2. tried Hoodia Supreme by ,, which I purchased at Walgreen for $39.99 a bottle with 60 capsules.

    I did some research at GNC and found that I could increase the dose if 2 capsules did not work. I increased the dose and it worked. I did need to eat but I did not overeat nor did I think of food all day which is what I wanted to get away from.

    My first day I decreased my calories by 1500 and the next two days I was down to consuming 1500-2000 each day. I was normally eating 3000-3500 with heavy exercise.

    However, I discontinued using it because I could not fall to sleep. I was up almost 24 straight hours with a headache by day 3.

    I have been trying fad diets these last 6 weeks trying to lose for the Holiday and instead of losing, I put on 10 pounds. I lost 112 pounds by exercising and changing my eating to healthier choices. You would think I had learned by now but I didn't, so I will return to what works......exercise/healthy eating choices.

    Best of luck !

  3. Obesity in India...I thought they were all starving over there?  THose Hoodia Pills give me a terrible headache.

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