
Average Monthly Insolation by City?

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Greetings, I am researching the feasibility of solar electricity in a house we are about to build. I found a set of data giving average monthly insolation by city. Of course, I did not write down the location of that table. Do you know of any such table and where it is?


The Wisconsin Skier




  1. The first link is a global insolation map (found via wikipedia's article on insolation) It's not by city, but gives a contour-style map, so you can work out the range of values that apply and guesstimate your requirements from that.

    The second is a list of insolation for US cities. Of course, that's fairly useless for the 95% of the population of the planet who don't live in the US.

  2. A five years research on the variation of global solar radiation in the tropics. The research shows the average sunny day insolation as well as the average cloudy day insolation. It also provides the weather pattern and how it is related to the insolation readings they are getting.

    The location of the research is in Bangi, Malaysia. Hopefully it is much help for you.

    However, the research paper have to be ordered or purchase. The link is:

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