
Average age of people on YA?

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I'm not talking about in general, I am talking about the ones posting in the political forums. What's the average age of the Obamatics ranting and raving here, typing YES WE CAN! CHANGE! HOPE! It seems that many of these posters are very young. To some of his supporters: are you even old enough to vote?

I am not trying to sound derogatory, mind you. But some of these questions and responses seem a bit juvenile.




  1. I would guess the average age is 35.

  2. Well I'm 18, but I'm not an Obamation.


  3. It seemed the same way to me too that everyone was really young ( in their teens/p*****n)

  4. I don't think the age matters. What matters is for once people are starting to give two Sh*ts about what's going on in our country. It's past time we think about our present as well as our children's future.

  5. I'm a white middle class 51 year old ex Marine infantry officer. I guess I dont fit your profile.just what the h**l is wrong with wanting change,having hope,and having a yes we can attitude? sounds alot like good Americans wanting good stuff for America for a change. Obama 08!

  6. Great question. I'm not sure, but I think half of them are too young to vote.

  7. I get the impression they're really young too.

    Either college-age students, or a bit below that.

  8. Yes I'm a tween-er on 55 and holding.

  9. I have to think they are about 12-14 and are just having recreational fun, I can spot them a mile away and ignore their spamming.  They really need to be studying history or something.  To think we actually pay teachers for this liberal nonsense.

  10. You really think that the kids now are interested in politics? When's the last time you spoke with your grandkids? You'd be lucky if they knew the difference between a Republican and Democrat. BTW you must be either really depressed or really old to have such a condescending attitude about change.

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