
Average amount of protein needed a day?

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Okay well I've recently become a vegetarian and I was worried about my protein intake. So I was wondering how many grams of protein are needed everyday?




  1. my protein shake says 54 grams of protein is 108% a daily value so i say its 50 grams. but if your trying to gain muscle mass then, every pound you need, you need 1 grams of protein.

    54+ 54= 108

    so 50 + 50 would equal 100 which is perfect!

  2. Probably about 50 grams a day. I always try to get about 60-70 a day though, just to make sure.

  3. About a gram per kilogram of body mass is a good rule of thumb. But keep in mind that's based on high-quality proteins, and the quality (speaking here biochemically) of proteins for a strict vegetarians can be a problem. If you're a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, no problem. (The protein against which others are measured is egg albumin.)

  4. Definitely 55 grams but aim for 65-70.

  5. It depends on your activity level and age. for a 1500 - 2000 calorie intake, it should be about 50-60g. If you are very athletic, that should be doubled. However, your caloric intake should also increase too.

  6. Great & Important question

    Here is a article by Dr. John McDougall that fully covers this.

  7. It depends on how old you are and how much you weigh. If you are over 19 years old, for every pound you weigh, you need to eat .36g of protein (for every kg you weigh, you need to eat .8g of protein).

    If you want to know how much protein you need for your specific weight, just multiply your weight in pounds by .36, or your weight in kg by .8.

    Weight Protein per day Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is for women

    100 lbs (45 kg) 36g

    105 lbs (47.25 kg) 37.8g

    110 lbs (49.5 kg) 39.6g

    115 lbs (51.75 kg) 41.4g

    120 lbs (54 kg) 43.2g

    125 lbs (56.25 kg) 45g

    130 lbs (58.5 kg) 46.8g

    135 lbs (60.75 kg) 48.6g

    140 lbs (63 kg) 50.4g

    I personally like sprouted lentils on my salads, they're easy to sprout and have a lot of protein. also hummus, nuts and seeds. I went from vegetarian to vegan, to now raw vegan and I find it's all just a learning process and if you keep at it, you'll pick up all the information you need to know.

    Here is a interesting website on nutrition facts:

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