
Average handicap?

by Guest59611  |  earlier

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whats the average golf handicap?

just something thats been annoying me for a while =)

im a 2 by the way




  1. i'm a 10 down from 12 at the begining of last season.  This year I want to keep it in single digits.   Maybe you should ask everyone what their handicap is and just average the answers you get.  Probally as accurate as anything.

  2. 28 for a man

    36 for a woman

    whats the thumbs down for? this is a fact as 28 is the maximum handicap for a man and 36 for a woman under competition rules!

  3. you'd be amazed. 85% of all golfers can't break 100 and only about 3% can break 80%. Considering a lot of old people play, the average handicap is actually about 20

  4. I say the maximum allowed handicap is the average where MOST people are at. Just like a pyramid where the base is where most of the bricks are. And the top brick at the top of your pyramid is tiger woods.

  5. Well.......I'll put it this way.  90% of all golfers in the world shoot 90 and above, and not not taking in consideration that that is not competitive or  tournament golf. Most golfers don't establish a handicap so it is hard coming up with a true answer to this question, but I'm sure it is well over 90.  Being a 2 handicap you know most golfers don't play it down and in competitive golf you play it as it lies,  which accounts for probably 5 strokes a round depending on the setup of the course such as the speed of the greens and  how high the rough is.

      Bobby Jones ( the Greatest Amateur of all time ) said it best.  There's golf and there's tournament golf and the the two are not very similar.

      I would say congrats to you on being a 2 handicap.  Mike Schmidt, Hall of Fame baseball player of the Phillies said golf was the hardest sport he has ever tried to compete in.  He tried to make the Senior Tour and said  trying to qualify was the most pressure he has ever been under.

      I've been as low as an 8 and am currently a 13 and I admire anyone under a true 7.  

      Have a great year and 'hit em straight"!!!!

  6. im also a 2 handicap ive only been playing a couple years i dont think ive ever heard of an average handicap it would be to hard to guess a number with as many golfers as there are

  7. I've never seen that stat any where, but I would guess somewhere between 10-15, of people that have actually kept up with a handicap. Most beginners and high handicapers don't bother with it.  I'm a 18, but I just really playing serious this year.
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