
Average pay for Vietnamese overseas working in Vietnam.?

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I'm Vietnamese-American and interested in working and living in Vietnam. Although, I do have some questions regarding salary.

Education: Bachelor Degree in Business Administration -

Finance - From a University in the U.S.

Experience: 3 years in sales (Distribution)

2 years in accounting (Hospitality)

1 year in general management (Hospitality)

What kind of pay, in US dollars per month figure, should I expect from working in either the hospitality or finance field.




  1. Ông Jon hahahaha.. you're very funny... does xích lô still run in VN??? I heard they ban xich lo in most part of the city..


    You can't expect to get the same pay in the US in VN.. the ECONOMY are 2 DIFFERENT....

    I used to work for the airline here (The windy city).. In a business trip back to VN, I met the VN boss... he asked me to TRANSFER to VN... Just out of curiosity,  I asked him how much will the company pay me here.. GUESS WHAT... he smiled...and said the salary here's different than over there.  

    Do you really think they would pay me for the same amount that I got pay here??? I do not think so.. I'll be a TRILLIONARE over there :)

    But hey .. don't give up your thought.. do some research.. give it a try.. I know some got pay really high overthere so who knows :) ... GOOD LUCK n Best wishes..

  2. Try the following web site;

    It has very up-to-date information.

    btw, hospitality is a huge business in Vn at the present time and $2000 usd per month is a very princely salary in a country were the average wage is $800 per year.

    Good Luck

    Ong Jon, lmao!!! Next time I go, I'll hire you. I live about 80 klicks from the airport. When you get tired, I'll peddle. I bet that would turn some heads on Route 1.

  3. Rick M has provided some excellent information. I also like Ong Jon’s idea, as I think the xích lô business is a cottage industry that will explode in the next two years as Vietnam’s tech industry grows. I’m kidding actually, but I had to say something because Ong Jon’s answer had me laugh so hard that I was crying. I should give you detailed information about the job opportunities for someone in your position, as I’m also a Vietnamese-American facing similar opportunities.

    I don’t know what the pay will be for the employment you seek in Vietnam, but I hope the information I will provide to you will help you find this for yourself. Job opportunities and pay is skewed in favor of expats (foreigners) over native Viets, and it will be that way for at least the next several years. Expats can get better pay and have better job opportunities than the natives. I don’t think it’s fair, but then I don’t make the rules either.

    Foreign companies are the preferred employer in Vietnam, because they pay better and they have better opportunities for advancement than domestic or state owned companies. Foreign companies usually have expats in middle or upper management positions in their Vietnam locations. Most foreign companies will pay expat employees who have degrees or special skills at the same level as U.S. or European counterparts. That in mind, prudent expats seeking employment in Vietnam will find a foreign company that will transfer them into Vietnam with the same pay as if they weren’t living in Vietnam. Considering the cost of living in Vietnam is about 1/8th that of the U.S. an expat will be living in Vietnam as if they were trillionaires.

    You (and me) are in a rather unique position. Vietnam is actively seeking first generation Vietnamese-Americans to strengthen economic and social ties with the U.S. You are wanted for employment. You are wanted for your connections in the U.S. Viet women want to marry and bear children with you. You are the preferred human being in all of Vietnam. Unless you do something stupid (like getting a job as a xích lô driver), you should find excellent employment opportunities at exceptional pay with the education and work background that you have.

    In lieu of looking at job sites, I would advise that you start networking for a good position. The place to start is contacting the American Chamber of Commerce in either Hanoi or HCMC. Following are links to information for both chapters:

    AmCham Hanoi:

    AmCham HCMC:

    As intelligent as you appear to be, I don’t think I have to provide detail on how to network these organizations to find an exceptional employer in Vietnam.

    Feel free to contact me if you have further question or additional advice, and good luck to you!

  4. Vietnam is not extremaly rich  I think

  5. It depends on what kind of job you get. Lots of foreigners work here (I am in Ha Noi) as English teachers. A friend of mine is a Viet kieu who came back, started as a teacher and is now in marketing for an organization.

    It all depends. Hotels do advertise for staff, but there are lots of experienced Vietnamese ahead of you.

  6. ..WOW!  2000 A month!?!?  anything for ong jon.. no lol.. i'm serious.... qualifications;  high school drop out,

                                                   able to drive xich lo short distances.....

  7. best advice to u is to find an American company tat would send u back to VN and work their......if u just go back to VN with ur BBA, my best guess is that u would get pay around $2000 UDS(max) if u work for a VN company....u guys can't read the WORD MAX?  there is a dude work for a VN company and make $10,000 a it's nothing usual about it.......

    hospitality isn't a big thing....maybe work in financial field....but if u get an american job tat would send u back to VN, PLZ SHARE WITH ME, B/C I WANT TO WORK BACK IN VN TOO.....i'm also a business major like urself but i major in economics concentration within financial economics.

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