
Average person making a change by recycling?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to figure out an experiment for data analysis and I was wondering if anyone knew any sources that could give me data or statistics on how much the average person recycles, how big of a difference it makes, etc.




  1. Here is a link to some recycling information

  2. Just to add a little bit to Hiker's advice; also seeif you can locate the numbers on the cost of waste diposed by the recylers. They used some harsh chemicals to prepare the aluminm cans, etc. That could figure into the total benefit/non-benefit stats.

  3. I wish I had concrete urls for you, but you might contact those cities that do recycle.  They should have data either on their webpages or at least tele# or email address to use to ask about it.  I've found cities usually very helpful.  If the first person doesn't know, ask who would and what is their tele#

    An example of what you might ask is how much paper goes to garbage (percentage by weight) and how much $$/ton does that cost to landfill it.  If recycled, what is the $$ cost/profit and what is the net$$?

    I have seen articles on that, but don't have sources.  One article had figures something like paper was the major %, that it cost $60/ton to landfill it, that recycling gained $20/ton.  So net loss to community by landfilling the paper is $60/ton fee plus lost recycling profit = $80/ton total cost.

    Good luck.

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