
Average price for 2 entrees at red lobster?

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we are poor grad students who are in the mood for a yummy meal. can we get away spending $15 each?





  1. If you go for lunch, it costs half as much, and the portions are only slightly smaller. I personally think Red LKobster is a rip off for dinner.

  2. I ate up there one time, and had a whole lobsters, some shrimp and 2 sides. Split between me and my girlfriend, and a few drinks. MINUS the drinks.... its beow 20 I believe.

  3. Under $50.00 dollars...

  4. When me and my hubby go it's about $50 for dinner.

  5. Twice as much as the average price of one entree at Red Lobster . . . or about $30. But WHY would you want to go to a CHAIN place??? Aren't there any good local, independend greasy spoons where you live?

  6. yeah, probably, depends on how much the entree costs. we go there often and yeah, i think you could get away w/ that much

  7. Yes, you can get away with spending $15 each.  BUT, take the server's tip into consideration.  It is not right to skimp on his/her tip because you are "poor."  Bill Gates doesn't work at Red Lobster either.  Keep to the fish dishes.  Get a 1/2 order and fill up on the biscuits.  The proper tip on $30 is $4-5.  If you want to get out of there for under 30 (with tip) get something about $11-12 and even with tax you should be OK.

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