
Average price of a two-bedroom apartment in New Orleans?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for something relatively inexpensive, maybe in the Irish Channel or the Marigny? Is this hoping against hope?

By relatively inexpensive, I mean in the $1000 or less/month range. I have a four-bedroom HOUSE for $600/mo where I live, but I know this is impossible in New Orleans ;)




  1. I think that's pretty reasonable!  I was looking earlier this year for three bedroom places in the Irish Channel/Garden District and found several nice ones for $1200-$1500 so i don't see why you couldn't find a two bedroom place for $1000 or less...

    Unfortunately you won't find a four bedroom house for $600.... you could get a two bedroom townhouse in the suburbs though for $800 or less...

  2. After the storms rents went up on a lot in areas that did not flood and are still inflated. I feel that in the Marigny area you will expect to pay about $1000+ for a 2 BR. You might look out and find something less expensive than that but it will probably not sit very long.

    You can try looking at

    Good luck.

  3. Yeah right, be ready to pay around $1300 and up for what you're asking for.

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