
Average rent in Cancun?

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What is the average rent in Cancun? We will be looking for a decent 2-3 bedroom house. Nothing horribly fancy, but then not a shack either. Of course needing indoor plumbing.

Not needing immediately, not looking at moving down until Decemberish, just wanting to get an idea of rent ideas.




  1. Greetings from Cancun.

    I am an American living in Cancun. Rents in "my" area vary from $450.00 to $1,500.00 American dollars. I live close to Plaza las Americas (shopping mall).

    Most of Cancun is divided into SuperManzanas (SM) which is a community or zip code. As long as you stay within the SM areas you should have running water maybe only cold but running the more rural parts of town are divided into "R" and many places don't have indoor plumbing.

    There are a couple of websites you might want to check out: and

    Hope this helps...

    There are some other

  2. What you are asking for should really be answered by a professional. I recommend you contact a US based real estate agent who knows people on the ground in Cancun who could really help you. She makes the process quick, you give her the basics and she makes all the calls for you, her email is:

    Good luck,


  3. Hi, I'm a Brit and I live in Cancun, about 5 minutes drive from the beginning of the Hotel zone at KM0. I pay about $750 USD a month for a huge house, with 5 bathrooms... so that will give you an idea of the size. It's all in the Luck of what is available when you get here.

    Rents further out from the Centre get cheaper, because that where all the poorer people live. There are new developments being thrown up here all the time... Cancun now has about a Million people, and I'm not sure you could walk around it in a few hours any longer, as the previous guy suggests. Puerto Cancun will almost make Cancun twice as big as it is now once the development is finished.

    Need anything further drop me a line through my website.



  4. Indoor plumbing ?  I don't think you could find outdoor plumbing.

    I can see this is your first visit to Cancun.

    2-3 bedroom can be had for 1200.00 usd a month.  If you want something nice $1800.0.--$3000.00.usd

    American and Canadian demand for luxury and security has had an impact on all costs.

    You could probably find an apt for $500.00 to $600.00.

    Cancun is not a large city but relatively new and the entire perimeter could be walked in several hoursl

    I dont mean to knock Cancun but there are several other places in Mexico that have much more to offer than 'Beaches and BARS" at a fraction of the cost.

    I have several friends here in Acapulco that rent.  Most live in La Suisa" area and have nice clean and secure apt and for 10 years no one out of the 30 people that live here year round has reported any problems.

    They pay $300.00 to $450.00

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