
Average salary/income of a swimming coach?

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does a swimming coach get high income? normally, what is their average salary for both full-time and amature?




  1. Not very.. Most coaches for swim clubs or high schools either volunteer or get paid a very modest salary (a few thousand). From my personal experience, I coached my summer swim club and got about $1500 for the summer, and our coaches at the high school don't get too much more. They are all teachers. If your a coach at a college it all depends at which college and how good your are. I would estimate 40k - 100k.

    USA swim teams depends on how much you charge for lessons, number of people, quality of program, etc.

  2. Their income is not that bad My coach gets about R300 or R500

  3. the average swim coach gets paid ZERO.

    A college coach on a top team might get $50K

  4. Paid, entry level assistant club team (either uss or ymca) usually make between $10-14 per hour (depending on which part of the country they're in).

    Head coaches of smaller programs make between $15-25,000 per year.

    Head coaches of medium sized programs (100 + athletes) and head age group coaches of large programs usually make between $24,000 and $40,000

    Head coaches of major programs make between $35,000 and $50,000 a year.

    The top level coaches make up to 6 figures a year.

    Full time college coaches make between $40,000 and $75,000 a year depending on the competitiveness of their team, the size of the school, etc

  5. 600$ for a month may be. just a guess.

    but it depends if its a big place or a small one. the coaches get paid accordingly.

  6. Here take a look at this site. It will answer all of your questions.

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