
Average size for 4 month old Bearded dragon?

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My friend owns a female Bearded dragon and ever since he got her, she's barely grown at all. I think she's approximately 4-4.5 inches small. Is this at all normal? What's the average size for a Beardie her age? She's also missing a few of her toes so does this link up at all? She seems very normal and she's very alert but her size for her age is worrying. If anyone could help out we'd be hugely grateful. Thanks




  1. This usually happens when they are not receiving proper care.  The beardie should be in a 40 gallon breeder sized tank minimum.  They need a basking heat lamp with a temp at the basking spot of 100F.  This must be measured with a digital probe thermometer.  The UVB bulb must be one made for reptiles--like Reptisun 10.0 or Reptiglo 8.0.  These bulbs need to be on for 12 hours a day, and be within 12 inches of the basking spot.  The bulbs also need to be changed every 6 months as they lose potency.  Make sure there is NO plastic or glass between the bulb and basking spot as UVB cannot penetrate these at all.  Do not use sand or loose substrate in the bottom of the tank.  Soak the dragon once or twice a week in warm water to hydrate.  Feed a fresh salad daily.  Gutload and dust all insects with calcium daily and vitamin powder once a week.  Is she meeting all of this?  Has it been checked for parasites by a herp vet???  Very important as these guys usually come loaded with parasites that can make them very sick.  More info here:

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