
Average weight? Is my friend anorexic?

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My friend is 11 and shes really skinny about 60 pounds. I was wondering if you guys could give me a website to prove to her shes not supposed to be that skinny?? She says she likes the way she is but she can put every finger around her wrist. I'm getting worried and i think her mom is too. Her dad just passed away so do you think shes not eating as much because shes depressed? YA so if you could give me the average weight of an 11 year old that may be helpful. I know shes just starting to go through puberty and stuff (she hasn't gotten her period yet) so ya. Please plaese help.




  1. my 11 year old sister is 57, she's perfectly healthy

  2. um thats kinda nasty she could gain bout 20 lbs. but it really depends on how tall she is

  3. i was 55 when i was 11. Nothing wrong with that.  

  4. i found this, it seems liek shes about 19 pounds off average ♥ she cud be in  a normal range, but maybe u cud talk to her mom bout taking her to a nutritionist, shes at that growing stage so she shud be puttign on weight

  5. well, it really depends on her height......

    but 11 year olds should be around 80-90 pounds to be considered normal.

    she sounds extremly underweight.....

  6. When I was 11, I weighed about 60 pounds or so. I'm just really petite and have a naturally fast metabolism, which means that my body burns up calories quickly and I don't gain too much weight. She's perfectly healthy, unless she just lost a ton of weight or something. It's ok to be thin if she has just always been built that way.

    Edit: for those people who are saying that she is extremely underweight and unhealthy, I just looked it up in a medical book and the normal range for an 11 year old girl is between 60-110 lbs. Coming from a person who has recieved a lot of c**p over the years about being skinny, your friend is just fine.

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