
Aviation Medicals???

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I want to study aviation and get my Commercial Pilot Licence but first I want to make sure I pass the Class 1 Medicals. What should I expect, like how rigorous are they? I'm most concerned about the opthalmology exam, any info would be awesome!




  1. The key points are as follows..............I will suggest that you go thru' the site should provide you most of your answers. Good Luck!

    Pilot Applicants must answer yes or no to having a history of any of the following problems. Click on each problem below for more info about how the FAA considers this problem with respect to flight safety.

    Full Instructions for filling out Item 18 on the FAA Form 8500-8

       1. Frequent or severe headaches (More...)

       2. Dizziness or fainting spells (More...)

       3. Unconsciousness for any reason (More...)

       4. Eye or vision trouble except glasses (More...)

       5. Hay fever or allergy (More...)

       6. Asthma or lung disease (More...)

       7. Heart or vascular trouble (More...)

       8. High or low blood pressure (More...)

       9. Stomach, liver, or intestinal trouble (More...)

      10. Kidney stone or blood in urine (More...)

      11. Diabetes (More...)

      12. Neurological disorders; epilepsy, seizures, stroke, paralysis, etc. (More...)

      13. Mental disorders of any sort; depression, anxiety, etc. (More...)

      14. Substance dependence; or failed a drug test ever; or substance abuse or use of illegal substance in the last 2 years (More...)

      15. Alcohol dependence or abuse (More...)

      16. Suicide attempt (More...)

      17. Motion sickness requiring medication (More...)

      18. Military medical discharge (More...)

      19. Medical rejection by military service (More...)

      20. Rejection for life or health insurance (More...)

      21. Admission to hospital (More...)

      22. Conviction and/or Administrative Action History (More...)

      23. History of nontraffic convictions (More...)

      24. Other illness, disability, or surgery (More...)

  2. Getting you medical is simple. Fill out a simple form. They make sure you wont die or pass out in flight, they make sure you can see and they make sure you can hear. Thats it. Get a FAR/AIM it will give you everything you need to know.

  3. Here in the US after you fill out the paper work mentioned in the above answer, The nurse will call you into the exam room. She will hand you a cup to pee in, Take your blood pressure, check your eye sight by a standard eye chart, check for color blindness, if you are over 40 an EKG, check hearing(usually you stand at one end of a hall way and she/he whispers to see if you are able to repeat what she/he said.) Doctor comes in and asks if you are having any medical problems you would like to discuss, you say "no" he/she says "see you in six months" and then you are on your way. Thats the short and dirty version.
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