
Aviation movie!?...?

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I watched this movie when i was a child and loved it. but i cant seem to remember the name... :( I remember that it started out with these two young hot shot pilots for the airforce. They tested all the best aircraft at the time. Even crashed a few. Then one of the men died i believe, and the other main character went on to fly the Bell x-1. First man to go mach 1... anyone recognize this? its driving me crazy




  1. The Right Stuff. It's my favorite movie.

  2. The Right Stuff, 1983

  3. Most of what you described sound like THE RIGHT STUFF, a movie loved by people who love the early days of the jet jockeys but held in contempt by most people at NASA.  The movie held the guys breaking the sound barrier to high esteem as if they were the unsung hero's while making early NASA look like a bunch of bungling idiots, dictated to by the German scientist and hooping and hollering Bar-B-Q eating Texans.


  4. The pilot was the famed Chuck Yeager and the film was most likely "The Right Stuff" which starred Sam Shepard as Yeager.  Of course I don't know how old you are but this film was made in 1983.

  5. The Right Stuff

    good movie

    great book!

  6. Its a film that takes the name of a Famous American Test Pilot 'Jaeger' or something like that !

    p.s. yeager(chuck)

    p.p.s. just realised,the other guys are right ! DVD in my cupboard !!! LMAO
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