
Avid juicy 3 disc brake problem?

by  |  earlier

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this morning i was going to head up to our local resort (7springs) to do some biking so i flipped over my bike and took off the front wheel before i put the bike in the car, when it came time to put the wheel back on i noticed that the brake pads were closed to about 1/32" and would not open any wider to accommodate the disc. So i was screwed and i cant figure out for the life of me what is going on. hopefully someone can help me out in time for me to get back up to the mountain!


Oh, and i have tried to force them apart but these b*****s are locked.




  1. Hum...

    Is it possible you squeezed the brake lever while the wheel was off the bike?  I think Avids usually ship with a little plastic gizmo that should be inserted between the pads when the wheel is off the bike.  This prevents the brake pistons from moving out too far.

    It should be possible to push the sticky pistons back into the caliper.  Read the Juicy manual for instructions:

    Hope this helps.

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