
Avoid rugby injury?

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I want to play rugby union but don't want to get injured (i've heard about horrible injuries like paralysis). How can I do this?




  1. i'm not contradicting the other guys who replied coz i think it's just a matter of playing good rugby and following the rules. for me i don't get injured coz i am very fast and small so i play scrumhalf and to avery big extent am not used so much. i also guess it's coz am 5ft6 and weigh 68kgs

  2. well there is always going to be a risk of injury, and thats somehting if you choose to play Rugby you have to deal with.

    like me at the moment, i'm just recovering from 12 months of injury when i dislocated my knee and ruptured my Anterior Cruciate Ligament ... but i can;t wait to get playign again

  3. I have two words for you: good luck. Rugby and avoiding injury? That's impossible. Serious injuries even. Horribly dibilitating injuries are rare, and there's nothing you can do to prepare for them. Just hope it's not you. Injuries like paralysis are always the result of something going wrong. No matter how you prepare, that's like asking how do I not get shot? Don't give anybody a reason to shoot at you. Well, you are playing rugby and players will try to injure you, it is only chance and split second decision making that will determine where you get shot, but factors like wind and air particles that you can't change will always be there and it is only luck.

  4. 1. A strong muscular body will help protect you from simple injuries.

    2. Understanding your position well will help you avoid unnecessary injuries for example trying to do what the prop is supposed to do when you are a flanker, popping your head up in the scrum, not binding properly...

    3. Learning the laws of the game.

    As a forward you can't avoid the breakdown, scrum, rucks and mauls and if thats what you're scared of either you should be a back or you shouldn't even be playing rugby in the first place.

    As a back you'll be the target of many a hard tackler so be prepared.

    I'm glad you've taken interest in the game, all the best

  5. eat heaps of rice,fish,beef,and kalo,cabin bread,dont eat normal bread,run in the morning and run at night and train hard in between go down to a health club and sign up drink milk   eat your veges

  6. be strong, then after that, be courageous

    its like in a tackle, if you're like oh dang, this guys coming straight at me, then you get all scared and go in the tackle all soft, theres a big possibility you'll get hurt, but if you go in with all your courage, you should be safe. Of course, sometimes you'll still get injured, but being fit and brave, you should do okay

  7. Learn the moves well. Do strength training. Make sure your back is strong.

    Accidents are unforeseen, that's why they're called accidents. If it's going to happen, it will.

    But it doesn't happen often, remember that, so don't worry.

  8. well the thing is mate thats what rugby is all about and if you never get injured in rugby in means u aren't getting into the game enough if your worried that much about injuries then dont play rugby but it is a fun game so id just get on with it and forget the injury factor!

  9. if you want to play you need to be tough and when you think youl get hurt the chances are bigger

  10. I play rugby, (im the 8man); and i recently broke my nose. There is nothing you can really do to stop it from happening. Just remember, don't prolong it. If you get hurt, get on one knee, put your arm up, and dont move.

  11. You can get a serious injury playing most sports out there. Lots of good advice have already been given already.  My advice is don't play scared when you're out there.
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