
Avoidant personality disorder?

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I think I have this.. I'm extremely shy and uncomfortable around people and avoid social situations at all costs... even family and friends. It makes me feel sick to my stomach just to think about them. I feel so ashamed of who I am. What should I do?




  1. Do the oppostie and go to parties, see family and friends a lot more. Try to meet new people. Do all that, and don't feel bad if it doesn't work. You can't force someone to like you.

  2. Sit down comfortably, close your eyes and imagine a small child in your arms.

    When (in your mind) you look at it's face, it is you when you were very young.

    As you gently hold it, give it the LOVE that you would if it was a son that you had and adored and loved. Give it the LOVE you wished you had as a child.

    Tell it aloud (so that every cell of your body can hear it) "It is a safe place in this Universe we live in together. I will always protect you from any harm and I LOVE you from the very bottom of my heart."

    Tell it, "You need have no fear of any thing while I am with you, the Universe is a beautiful and happy place to be and we will now enjoy the beauty and joy of it together."

    Then just sit and hold it, in your mind, feel the LOVE that you have for this child. Do this each day until you FEEL the love that you have for it, and then continue each day as long as you feel you need.

    You and that small child are beautiful people, and as soon as it starts to be known to you, your fear will diisipate as the illusion that it actually is.


  3. Go see a clinical psychologist.

  4. I think you need to work on building up your self confidence. Make a list of all the great things about yourself and give yopurself credit for them. Use positive affirmations loads! eg. I am a loving and giving person, i am wothwhile and worthy of having friends...get the gist?

    The way affirmations work is that if you tell yourself something enough times then your subconcious mind will take what you are saying to be true.

    At the moment your subconcious is most probably used to messages like...I really suck at making friends, nobody likes me, why am i  so unpopular...You can turn all of this around through affirmations and by taking chances.

    Don't avoid things, just go out and mingle, make friends and build your self-confidence. I'm sure you are a great person with loads of value to bring to the table of any friendship.

    You can do it, just tell yourself that.

    Take care :)

  5. Kido, I have had that problem myself for long time. I understand.

    Best way is to first try to like your self. It is hard but try.

    You may not believe, but what have helped me tremendously was waitressing.

    Yes you heard right. I took a job in Golden Coral restaurant where you don't have to take orders, just serve plates and drinks. Working hard around people makes you forget that you are around people.

    After while, my shyness totally disappeared.

    May be worth trying something similar.

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