
Avon Respresentitives?

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I am thinking about becoming an Avon rep. Before I apply, I am wondering if any of you out there already do this. How does it work exactly? Is it possible to just sell online, or do I have to sell door-to-door? Because, I am a stay-at-home-mom looking for something I can do from home and earn extra money to contribute to the finances. I don't want to start something I can't handle.




  1. I sell Avon, I make good money and I love doing it. I have 3 children, one of whom is severely handicapped.  I also work part-time in a hospital lab.  Some people can market their website online and make money doing it but there is alot of competition.

    How Avon works is you sell the product to family, friends etc. Avon bills you the discounted price. You collect the full price from your customers and the difference between the 2 is your paycheck.

    I don't find the ordering and delivering that time consuming but you do need to find customers.  That does mean leaving the house but you can do it during your errands.  I always try to combine my trips out of the house with Avon business.

    You don't want to depend on your family and friends but they are a great place to start. You definately need to expand beyond them. You can ask them to share your brochures with their family, friends, and coworkers. Talk to the people you come into contact with every day....coworkers, mom's at the bus stop, neighbors, the people at the local deli where you get your coffee in the morning, the tellers where you do your banking etc etc. They call it the power of 3. Talk to 3 people a day about Avon. Collect a 100 no's in 30 days....chances are good you'll get more yes's than no's.

    To get started only costs $10 in a face to face appt or $20 to sign up online.  You will receive everything you need to get started with Avon, including:

    o 10 brochures for your current campaign

    o 10 brochures for your next campaign

    o One box of product Samples

    o 1 order book

    o Getting Started Booklet

    o Open the door to your Future

    o Jump Start your Business

    o Avon Dreams made real

    o 12 Recommendation cards

    o 5 collection envelopes

    o 1 credit card voucher

    o Rich & Famous of Avon 3

    o Avon Tote Bag

    o And more…………..

    If you find its not for you, you can quit at any time.  Just make sure you don't go buying alot of personal items and other things and end up spending more than you make.  

    For your first campaign you will earn 50% commission when you place your order online. For your Second, Third, and Fourth campaigns, you will earn 50% commission provided your orders are greater than $50, and you place your orders online. After your first four campaigns, the commission structure is as follows:

    Order Size Earnings

    $1550 or more 50%

    $900 - $1549 45%

    $425 - $899 40%

    $285 - $424 35%

    $145 - $284 30%

    $25 - $144 20%

    $00 - $24 0%

    Licensed products are earned at 20% commission.

    You do have to purchase the brochures. That is the only thing you really need to sell Avon. Avon has quality, affordable, consumable products and something for everyone.

    I have more Avon Faq's and info on my profile. Feel free to ask me any other questions you may have.

    Terri Avon ISR

    Unit Leader/ Honor Society

  2. MLL,

    I used to sell Avon but didn't make any money at it. I was so excited to start because it only cost $10, but for that $10, I only got handed a stack of campaign brochures and some samples. No one told me how or where to sell and just as I got my brochures distributed to family and friends, a new one came out. For 6 months, I tried to stay on top of the latest brochures, and samples - but every 2 weeks or so, a newer addition would come out and mine were outdated.

    Also, I was only making 20-30% profit on my sales (you have to sell around $1500 after the first couple of months in order to profit 50%).

    Have you ever considered starting your own Mary Kay business? My friend introduced me to the opportunity over 3 years ago (when my son was born) and I LOVE it!

    I always make 50% profit on everything I sell and the catalogs only come out 4x per year which makes it very easy to stock up on them and plan to run out before the next one is printed.

    Also, there are tons of perks to being a MK Beauty Consultant, you can earn the use of a FREE career car (Pontiac G6, Pontiac Vibe, or the Pink Cadillac) and if you earn the car, the company pays for your car insurance too!

    Also, you can win free jewlery and free products to use or sell .

    I've made some of my best friends through Mary Kay and I feel that I know that I have a support system with the other consultnats and my Director. We are constantly helping each other to reach our goals.

    If you would like me to send you some more info on Mary Kay (or answer any questions about previously selling Avon), I would be more than happy to.

    My e-mail is: - my website is:

    Oh, and to answer your questions about selling strictly online - yes, you can do that with Mary Kay...after all, it's YOUR  business and you can run it how you choose!  :)  

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
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