
Avon representatives?

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Do you know how much Avon (or even Avon's mark.) actually makes?

In the commercials, they say they make enough money to pay the bills every month and even buy a new car. Does anyone know if it's true or not?




  1. Yes you can make that kind of money.  However the amount you make is in relationship to the time you put into it.  If you treat it as a hobby that's all it will amount to.  If you treat it as your career and work it you can make very good money selling Avon.  Leadership is the way to really increase your earnings.  Combine selling with recruiting and that's when you start making good money.

    I have more info and faq's on my profile.  Feel free to contact me with any questions about joining avon.

    Terri Avon ISR

    Unit Leader

    Honor Society

  2. Yes, some reps do make that much money.  If you treat it like a business and go into the recruiting aspect of it, your earnings can be huge.  

    Even if you don't go into recruiting, and just choose to sell Avon, you can make a lot of money.  I sold Avon for a few years while I was a stay-at-home mom and my income was about $2000 a month.  When I started signing up new reps and recruiting, my leadership bonus checks were an additional $500 a month or so, and I wasn't even really into it hardcore as a full-time thing.

    I really enjoyed it though, it was a lot of fun, I got to meet great people, and the discounts and perks are great.  Not to mention, I love their products.

    If you are serious about considering selling, talk to your local Avon Rep and get all the information.  Or, you can call 1-800-FOR-AVON

  3. It depends on how much you sell.  You need to push and work hard to make a living off of it

  4. Personally for me it has been worth while. I am able to make $250 every 2 weeks in addition to my full time income.

    Not sure if you are aware but now you can sign up to become a representative online plus it is only $10 to get started and with all the support that is available out there you should be able to make a great income.

    I personally know one of the ladies in that video and I know other successful ladies that do make alot of money, enough to pay bills, cars, etc.  It is TRUE!

    If you do happen to be interested and are ready to get started just go to my website and hit the Become a Representative link so that I could email you online application website.

    Hope that helped answer your question!
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