
Aw, ttc, what do you think my odds are at this point?

by  |  earlier

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I have irregular periods. I was put on birth control in November 2007. I take it regularly, sort of, lol. My husband and I are trying now. I stopped taking my birth control about two weeks ago. I bled, then stopped (hoping thats a sign of meaning the bc is out of my system), and we've been trying like twice a day for a week now. I've never honestly taken my birth control religiously or anything.. just enough to get my body to stop bleeding.

Because of the irregularity, I don't know when my missed period would ever be, or when I'm ovulating. I know I think I should keep trying for months, and I probably will. But I haven't been on the pill for too long so what do you think my chances are? I shall take a test next month, but are my chances any good? I mean, unprotected s*x, come on now.. lol. Extreme fertility runs in my family, haha.




  1. What I do is i track my periods and ovulation too... I go to

    and sign up... it will ask you to input your last period and it will help you track you periods and when you ovulate...I have been using it for a couple of months now, But i know my luck will come soon =)

    But try to relaxes it going to be hard cause you feel like you are doing everything on what you need to have a baby....Do the things you normally do...But easy on the drinking a few wont hurt and if you drink coffee easy on that too!!! Maybe one cup a day and drink water, And take vitimus too...either prenatal pills or regular vitimus are good but i take prenatal pills =)....

    Anyways i wish you the best of LUCK and don't give up if it doesn't on that months you are TTC....It will happen just enjoy have s*x with the hubbie =) LOL....Hope this Info help you....

    And let you doctor know you are trying to have a babyy he might be able to let you know if you are in good condition to have a babyy. Its taken me 2 years but my reason for that is i was on th DE-PO it take time for it to clear out of my system...

    But that another story =)


  2. evidently it is better to only have s*x every other day when you are ttc so that there is time for sperm to build up.  With your irregular periods before you were on the pill I would guess that it is going to be a while before you regulate to the point where it is easy to know when you are ovulating.  (irregular periods = irregular ovulation).  You could try ovulation tests next month (if you didn't get pregnant) and buy lots of pregnancy tests b/c you are probably going to not be able to resist testing often :)

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