

by Guest67115  |  earlier

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why do some people intend to disregard the issue of global warming...even if people are aware with that they do not do something..however if they do something its just temporary...why do people don't cooperate seriously...sometimes they take it for they say they just do something if its very too late...why there very people who always break rules...for instance those and also people who are creating pollution and sometimes they are the first one complaining...what would be the possible thing to do in order to have temporary solutions to stop this global warming...(this is just like an overview because this has so many effects and people are the mostly affected victim)...




  1. No,educated on issues.

  2. I think people don't take it seriously because they can't see the results of doing the right thing.  Global warming happened gradually and it will get fixed gradually.

    Our government (all governments) need to pass laws about car efficiency and corporate pollution and then enforce those laws.

  3. I think its probably because people are either too lazy or too busy. I drink water like crazy and I have water jugz galore. I'm definitely going to resycle them after reading this. I think that corporations such as Shell or Exxon or Huggies should put more effort into recycling ads etc. For example instead of having a commercial that no one will pay attention too maybe they should give you something in exchange for recycling there product or about polution. Like make it a popular thing to do instead it being nerdy or sommmethin. Anything except nothing at all. I know when I was a kid I remember characters like Smokey The Bear or McGruff the crime dog. Maybe they should make characters like that for adults. You know like kinda embarrass people and make them think like The Truth anti tobacco campaign.

  4. Human is selfish by nature, no body wants to give up their commodities, car (all sort of transportation) all types of electric and electronic appliances, processed foods an drink, all sort of clothes and personal effects, the production of all of these affect s the environment.
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