
Awful Gag reflex and pregnant! Will I make it through a dentist appt??

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I am 19 weeks preggo and Ever since I became pregnant I have had a hard time brushing my teeth because I gag and almost throw up. Well because of this I am afraid that I have a cavity or worse maybe gingivitis. I have an appt for the dentist but I'm afraid that I will have a hard time with his hands in my mouth. I know a few friends that have had this problem while pregnant and wondered if any one had any suggestions about beating a horrible gag reflex. It is so bad that I can hardly brush back teeth and I sometimes gag just by putting tooth brush in my mouth. I don't want to be sedated obviously because I wouldn't want to harm the baby.




  1. I know how it is to have an awful gag reflex at the dentist. What I do is have them numb my mouth up with a topical gel. They let you rub it all inside your mouth yourself...which is good, because I absolutely hate when other people have control inside my mouth. You get it as far back on your tongue as you can, underneath, the sides of your cheeks, just everywhere you can possibly think of. They give you as much as you want. You may want to check with your dentist to see if it will be okay to use during your pregnancy. It makes dental appointments so much easier, especially x-rays which are the worst for me.

  2. I have the worst gag relfex  always.. I just breathe out of my nose. I'm sure your dentist will tell you the same. Make sure not to concentrate on it.  

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