Almost every single day I get these horrible headaches they only last for about an hour, but it's the worst pain I've ever felt. I can't concentrate, my eye waters, my nose runs and I feel like I'm going to throw up. It throbs but only on the right side of my head. the pain is almost completely on the right side. I can feel it pulsing through my temple, it kills in my eye, my ear, sometimes even my throat and teeth. When I told the doctor about it she said it was just sinuses from allergies. I've tried allergy medicines, and tried to see if there were any common links to the times I get them, such as foods or smells or plants. So far nothing. It's really making me miserable. Does anyone have any idea what it might be? or how to fix it? besides massive amounts of pain killers? that doesn't really do anything. Please any answers would help.