
Awkward car ride- help!?

by  |  earlier

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i am going on a 5-6 hour car ride tomorrow with a girl in my grade (were in high school). her parents will be driving us. i dont know her or her family very well. any tips on how to survive the potentially awkward situation (conversation starters, games, etc.)? should i bring a gift to thank them for letting me "bum a ride"?




  1. Definately have s*x in the backseat...they'll never know! LOL  

  2. ask where her parrents are from that always starts a good convo then u can chime in and talk about ur backround

  3. I would say listen to music at a level thats not to loud but loud enough for there to be no talking. Also tell scary stories or scary things that have happened to you of your friends. That works really well. Don't bring a gift but maybe gas money? Once the convo is started things will play out. I've had car rides like this a few times for soccer.

    Hope this helps and good luck!  

  4. Be good. Feel free and it will all go smooth and don’t gift any thing.

    Be a part of the family don’t be over excited keep cool

    Have a great day

  5. You can talk to her about anything, Talk about school, Friends, Life, everything. Just dont let it be awkward. Get to know her. And also her parents. Talk to them to. A nice thing to do would be help pay for gas. Cause it is so freaking expensive. They would appreciate that A LOT!!!!!!! Good Luck!!!!!!!

  6. lol no games. no gift either. just engage in som convos about anything. just not stuff that would make u look dumb

  7. ask ehr questions girls live to talk, and don't bring the dad a beer!

  8. Where and why are you going?  Start by thanking them for letting you ride along,

  9. no

  10. every guy likes beer..give the father beer

  11. just be friendly and open.

    start a conversation if you find some things you and her family have in common.

    then once it gets a little more comfortable maybe you guys can play a car game or somethingg. =]

  12. I like the thing about asking where they are from. Also, if you will be going through more then one state, ask if they've ever been there on vacation before. Just relax & the convo will probably come naturally. Best of luck

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