
Awkward situation. bet. me and my best friend?

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i've become closer to her relatives.

me and my best friend fetched her aunt from the airport and dropped her off at the house of her another aunt.

I really felt welcomed to their family with open arms..

everyone else knew me.

problem is.. i'm not her boyfriend..

her boyfriend called up. I acted like i wasn't hearing anything

but i was trying to avoid her.

she kept on avoiding me while they were talking as well..

she saw the pictures of me with my ex-girlfriend..

she felt insecure for some reason.

she kept on insisting she looks better than my ex.

in which i really believe she does.

I wanted to get away from her.. but she keeps on wanting me to stay..

I know we're both best friends but.. it's hurting me to see that I'm not even as good enough as her boyfriend..

I know I'm not as handsome as he is..

I know I'm not someone that she'll boast to her friends.

I know I can't make her feel that spark.. and

I know I can't make her feel like she's the luckiest girl in the world.

all I could do is listen to her when she has problems..

all i could do was to sit by her side and do my best to comfort her at her worst times..

because that's what friends do..

I wanted to hug her.

I wanted to kiss her.

I wanted to tell her how much I love her. (She knows that I do btw)

But because I am her best friend, I'm staying away because I know we'll hurt each other..

All I wished was for her to be happy.

I guess I needed to be specific when I wished for that.

I guess I should've wished for her to be happy with me.

But then again,that would be selfish of me.

I already told her how I feel about her.

She said she doesn't know yet.. but she keeps on insisting for me not to leave her..

She on the other hand wanted me to date more girls. I did. but it never felt right for me




  1. Is her relationship with the boyfriend good? If not then you have a chance. If it's going great, you'll have to be a friend and nothing else for her. I think you at least did the right thing telling her how you feel. Hope this helped :)

  2. dude this is the same things that happened to one of my friends....and me

    that you love your best friend but cant make a move as a lover cause your scared that if it doesn't work out you wont be bests anymore

    so i wont give advice  but a question to answer for yourself

    so what do you take priority her feelings or your own....

    cause if your own you should go for it

    if hers wait for her decision if you can

    gud luck dude to both of you and i hope that this helped

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