
Aww C,mon. Its a Joke, isnt it?

by  |  earlier

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Two eggs boiling in a pan, one male and one female.

The female egg says "Look, I've got a crack"

"No good telling me" replies the male egg "I'm not hard yet"




  1. okish

  2. Almost a rib tickler,,,

  3. My hubby bursted out with Laughter at work and everyone was wondering why --------- He told them this joke and they were ALL laughing!!!!!  

  4. Yes, it's a joke, albeit not a great one. Why? Did someone tell you it was something else?

  5. no that gd but it made me laugh a bit (but only a little bit !!!)

  6. hahahahaha

  7. You made me smile!!



  8. joke, sure, but it ain't funny

    and how can you boil eggs in a pan?

    and if you're boiling, it normally gets soft.

    and it's not good for people with innocent minds

  9. ha ha ha like that one. Very funny x

  10. Yes its a joke, but not a very funny one.

  11. LOL!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS REALLY FUNNY

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