
Awww the queen seems nice does'nt she?? bbc1 now?

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Awww the queen seems nice does'nt she?? bbc1 now?




  1. What?  She's nothing but an old snob.  not be fooled by the PR job that the house of Windsor is doing at the moment

  2. likes to laugh ? no bloody wonder, she is taking the    p!ss !  and knows that we keep coming back for more.  she is the latest in a line of thugs that have robbed the people of this country of their wealth, power and lives for centuries.

  3. She is an extremely gracious lady

  4. Yes, The Queen is very nice. I had the pleasure of meeting Her Majesy many years ago. She is very gracious. At the moment she is across the river from me in Liverpool for the royal command performance. Would like to have gone, but my sitting room is being re-decorated. Perhaps another time.

  5. She seems very nice and chatty.

  6. I missed the first programme but I loved last nights.

    Love it when she giggles and she spots everything. No room for error. Buckingham Palace is so beautiful. Roll on next week.

  7. wake up people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  8. I think she is wonderful for a woman in her 80's...and for those that say she doesn't do anything....I think they have been proved was great to see the citizens of Ghana shouting the Queens praises....not like most of the people she does create an impression around the Tony Blair said it the programme, would you rather that a head of state went to a local Bistro or a meal at 10 Downing Street, instead of a Banquet at Buckingham Palace

  9. yeah if you like germans.........duh

  10. yes,shes different,she likes 2 laugh dont u fink

  11. she's lubbly jubbly.

  12. You can also watch the movie "The Queen" to get a more accurate view into her personality.

    It's a very good movie.

  13. you are joking aren't you????????????????

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