
Axe deodorant and body spray?

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What is the difference between the Axe dry deodorant stick and the Axe fresh deodorant stick?

Also, I have the Axe Touch deodorant, so should I use the Touch body spray, or does it matter if they match?




  1. The differnce between fresh and dry is that fresh is only a deoderent and dry is a deoderent and an anti persperent.  

  2. My husband has the whole line of Ax. Everything they have ever made, honestly. I don't know what the difference is other than if you mix two different scents together, its smells really bad.

  3. use "Smell like David Beckham after the game"

  4. honestly to tell you the truth man. I dont know why girls like axe so much it spells bad. And really i dont recommend the axe deodorant. Its not healthy it contains anti-persparint which, helps you from sweating. but it clogs up your pores in the process. Which can cause cancer. just use the body spry

  5. Neither will make the ladies go crazy for you like the commercials imply, so it doesn't matter.

  6. Dry contains an antiperspirant. I'd match just in case you get lucky, your pits will smell like the rest of your body.

  7. yes u shuld nd i say it does matter

  8. Light yourself on fire see what happens

  9. My guess on the first question is that the first one contains antiperspirant    (like the guy before me said, if it blocks pores = not good) and the Axe fresh probably smells better, but I think you should use the spray - I really like them.

    I bought a Touch Body Wash the other day, and accidentally mixed it with my Phoenix one, and it smelled awful. So it would be best to use the body spray only.

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