
Axel Help!?

by Guest57351  |  earlier

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I have been working on my axle for years. Any tips? I need to get the full rotation and am having trouble with the take off. My coach says that I am chicken.




  1. Axel?  The "Chinese Democracy" tour was a fiasco.  Like your ice skating. You need to get some huevos and jump....if you fall down do it again...and again....and again...

  2. im workin on my axel (just landed it) and what you have to do is when u finish taking off and are in the air you have to snap and pull in as tight as possible. just dont be afraid too fall and just get back up of you do. Just thin kabout the process and do it!!! i kno u can. well, gotta go to skating, hope this helps ♥

  3. First go through the motions off the ice. EVERYDAY!!!!!! Practice it again and again and again... on the floor! When your on the ice try doing a waltz jump and then going right into a loop jump and then landing the loop and stretching you leg out. This gives you the feeling of an axel and the positioning in the air. Also you can do a waltz jump and then into a one revolution back spin. This helps with the same thing.

    Also, to make you feel more comfortable purchase pads. knee pads, hip pads, butt pads, etc. They made me feel a lot more confident when I jumped. I have gel kind that are more expensive, but they are comfortable and they dont make you look fat! (I was self concious about that!!!)

    (If your rink has a harness contraption you may want to try an axel on that. It really makes your landing hurt A LOT LESS!!! Or go to a rink that does have the harness contraption. IM TELLING YOU IT HELPS A LOT!!!!!!)

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck! :)

  4. 1. you could try pads.

    2. do Axel prep

    -waltz back spin

    -3 waltz jumps in a row

    -bell jumps( skate forward and jump off of two feet spin around one time and land on 2 feet)

    -waltz jump and well in the air click your heals

    -stand on toe picks and spin while switching toe picks on a straight line

    Hope this helps!
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